1. Data Management

Data Management
We completed several activities for Data Challenge 2 :

· We expanded the Application Layer design documented in the UML model and updated source code of several of the Application Framework classes.
· We developed an MS Project Plan covering DC2.
· We finalized approvals for acquiring new, dedicated cluster at NCSA for our use in DC2 and beyond. We also are providing funding for a cluster at UW that will be used for MOPS.

We are on track for the scheduled execution of DC2 in October through November, 2007, with the final report due in December. We have shortened the execution schedule and delayed its start to avoid conflicts with anticipated Concept Design Review dry runs and formal review in September.
We concluded the amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding for the Moving Object Processing System (MOPS) with Pan-STARRS. Pan-STARRS will fund a year of burdened salary of an LSST DM programmer (Francesco Pierfederici) to make further modifications to the MOPS in the areas of parallelization, modularity, and processing cadence. The Pan-STARRS funding starts June 1, 2007.
We continue to prepare CoDR materials, including updating the SysML database for the System Engineering requirements traceability. We populated the database with initial Data Management Functional/Performance Requirements. We are in the process of publishing the SysML model to a web page accessible from www.lsstcorp.org .
In collaboration with the System Engineering group, we finalized the dates (June 4 –5 iat IPAC in Pasadena, CA), agenda and attendance list of the Data Quality Analysis workshop.

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