LSST Moving Object Pipeline Design
Latest Revision 10/7/2013
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Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)
Moving Object Pipeline System Design
Jonathan Myers, Lynne Jones and Tim Axelrod
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Latest Revision Date: October 7, 2013
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LSST Moving Object Pipeline Design
Latest Revision 10/7/2013
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Preliminary Design Review Version
Jonathan Myers
Final Design Review Version
Jonathan Myers
LSST Moving Object Pipeline System Design
Latest Revision 10/7/2013
The contents of this document are subject to configuration control by the LSST DM Technical Control Team.
Moving Object Pipeline System Design
Jonathan Myers, Lynne Jones, Tim Axelrod
The Moving Object Pipeline System (MOPS) has two responsibilities within
LSST Data Management. First, it is responsible for generating and managing the
Moving Object data products. The Moving Objects are identi?ed solar system
objects with associated Keplerian orbits, errors, and detected sources associated
with those solar system objects. The second responsibility of the MOPS is to
predict future locations of moving objects in incoming images so that their sources
may be associated with known objects; this will reduce the number of transient
detections and prevent Alert Generation on detections of known Solar System
ob jects.
1 Overview
1.1 NightMOPS: Serving the Alert stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.2 StatusSummary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 DayMOPS: Discovering and Managing Moving Objects . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.2 StatusSummary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 The Linking Stages of DayMOPS
2.1 Linear and Quadratic and more: Models of Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Building Tracklets : ?ndTracklets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.1 Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 MergingTracklets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LSST Moving Object Pipeline System Design
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2.3.1 CollapseTracklets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3.2 PurifyTracklets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 Building Tracks: linkTracklets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4.1 Recursive Tree-walk Using Pruning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4.2 TrackValidation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4.3 IssuesandQuirks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5 SubsetRemoval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.6 Notes on Software Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.6.1 Accomodations for Large Data Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.6.2 Parallelization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ParallelFindTracklets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Parallel CollapseTracklets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ParallelLinkTracklets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ParallelSubsetRemoval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Metrics & Scaling of DayMOPS linking algorithms
3.1 Metrics for End-to-end Evaluation of Sky-plane Linking . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Simulationtestsetup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.1 Choosing the Linking Time-Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.2 Choosing Velocity and Acceleration Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 SimulationResults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.1 SurveyE?ciency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.2 Nightly Variance in Runtime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.3 Scaling on Non-Asteroid Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 dayMOPS: Orbits
LSST Moving Object Pipeline System Design
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4.1 Orbitpackages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Precovery and Attribution
5.1 Attribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Precovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Further Development Tasks
6.1 Long Duration Survey Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 Including Trailing for Near-Earth-Object Searching . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3 Distributed LinkTracklets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4 TrivialCodeChanges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5 Signi?cant Changes in CollapseTracklets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.6 Dealing with Near-Pole Distortion in LinkTracklets . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.7 DenseandClusteredNoise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A A Little History of Discovering Moving Objects
B About the KD-Tree Library
B.1 Representing Data Items: PointAndValue Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B.2 Tree Construction and Searching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B.3 TrackletTree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B.4 BaseKDTree and Memory Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B.5 NeededImprovements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of Figures
Data ?ow between MOPS and LSST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Data?owwithinMOPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LSST Moving Object Pipeline System Design
Latest Revision 10/7/2013
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Object motion across the sky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example dayMOPS linkages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
An example of ?ndTracklets endpoints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
?ndTracklets psuedocode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
collapseTracklets psuedocode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
purifyTracklets pseudocode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Simpli?ed linkTracklets pseudocode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 linkTracklets pseudocode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 KD-tree construction example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 subsetRemoval pseudocode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13 Parallel linkTracklets pseudocode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 Test diaSource distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15 Velocity distribution of solar system objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16 Acceleration distributions of solar system objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17 Test runs from MOPS run without noise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18 Compute costs for tracklet and track generation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
19 Input data for runs with noise.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20 Tracklet generation for runs with noise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21 Track generation for runs with noise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22 Test run results for runs with noise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
23 OpenOrb ephemeris computation time requirement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LSST Moving Object Pipeline System Design
Latest Revision 10/7/2013
The contents of this document are subject to configuration control by the LSST DM Technical Control Team.
1. Overview
The Moving Object Pipeline System has two main responsibilities: the generation and
maintenance of the Moving Object database (i.e.. the discovery and linking of all observa-
tions of each moving object), and the prediction of known object locations which are sent
to the Alert Pipeline to prevent unneccessary alerts. To serve these two functions, MOPS
operates in two components, known as \DayMOPS" and \NightMOPS."
\NightMOPS" (operating throughout each night) is responsible for predicting the lo-
cations of known Moving Objects in upcoming images. This is intended solely to help ?ag
known moving objects in the LSST alert stream. \DayMOPS" (operating after each night's
data is complete, typically in the day) is responsible for discovering new Moving Objects in
newly-acquired data, searching old data for detections of new objects (`precovery), identifying
known moving objects in newly-acquired data (`attribution') and updating the Moving Ob-
jects database. Note that `attribution' is distinct from NightMOPS, as attribution can take
advantage of additional information coming from observations throughout the entire night,
allowing matches between new detections and moving objects under larger positional uncer-
tainties, and also folds this information back into the Moving Object database. DayMOPS is
also responsible for periodically re?ning the contents of the Moving Objects database based
on the orbits of the known objects.
The relationship between NightMOPS, DayMOPS, and the neighboring components of
the LSST Data Management system is illustrated in ?gure 1.
Fig. 1.|: Data ?ow within LSST, from image acquisition to the Moving Object database
and Alert generation. DayMOPS will build and maintain the Moving Objects table, Night-
MOPS will use the Moving Objects table to predict positions of known moving objects and
communicate with the Assocation Pipeline.
LSST Moving Object Pipeline System Design
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1.1. NightMOPS: Serving the Alert stream
1.1.1. Overview
NightMOPS is a much simpler system than DayMOPS, so will be described brie?y and
then not discussed further in this document. The goal of NightMOPS is simply to hand the
alert pipeline the information needed to ?ag diaSource detections (detections from each indi-
vidual image, di?erenced against a template image) with their probability of corresponding
to a known moving object. The relevant pieces of information are the names (or ID num-
bers) of each of the known objects in the ?eld, their locations and expected magnitudes
along with the uncertainties in these parameters, and potentially velocity vectors if visi-
ble trailing could be expected over a 30 s exposure. Joining these pieces of information to
the diaSources reported in each visit is the job of the alert pipeline, and in particular, the
association pipeline.
As the alert pipeline must issue alerts within 60 s of the shutter closing on each image,
speed in generating the ephemerides of the objects visible in each ?eld as it is observed is
paramount. Later during the LSST survey, we expect to have on the order of 11 million
known moving objects, mostly Main Belt asteroids. The orbits of these known objects can
potentially change during the day if DayMOPS discovers new objects or links more detections
into previously known orbits.
The general idea here is to propagate all of the known orbits to the start (or middle) of
the night and generate `coarse ephemerides' on a time grid that covers most of the night at
fairly large intervals, before the night's observing begins. As individual visits are acquired
during the night, these coarse ephemerides are used to generate a list of moving objects
which could potentially be visible in the visit. A `precise' ephemeris (the location, magnitude,
velocity vector and uncertainties) is then generated for the exact time of the visit, for each of
the moving objects which could be visible. The subject of ephemeris generation is discussed
in Chapter 4, in connection with orbit determination software.
1.1.2. Status Summary
There is currently an implementation of NightMOPS in the LSST codebase which was
exercised in DC2, but we expect this code to be overhauled and updated before ?rst light,
for several reasons:
? the current version of NightMOPS was written before signi?cant upgrades to the
python interface to OpenOrb (the software used to generate ephemerides),
LSST Moving Object Pipeline System Design
Latest Revision 10/7/2013
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? there has been ongoing work at UW on methods to generate ephemerides for our catalog
simulations, some of which might be taken advantage of to speed up this ephemeride
generation, (particularly relating to translating from coarse ephemerides to the precise
? it seems entirely likely that our ephemeris generation software will change before ?rst
light, given that OpenOrb is a Fortran program,
? changes in the LSST middleware will require updates to the current implementation
of NightMOPS, which was developed under an older API.
1.2. DayMOPS: Discovering and Managing Moving Objects
1.2.1. Overview
DayMOPS makes up the bulk of the moving object software. It is responsible for
discovering new moving objects in our data, extending the orbital arc of our known and newly
discovered moving objects both backward and forward in time (`precovery' and `attribution'),
and updating the Moving Object Database with this information.
The design of LSST DayMOPS is based on (although only roughly similar to the current
implementation of) the PanSTARRS Moving Object Pipeline System (Denneau et al. 2007).
The approach used here is to link detections (RA/Dec measurements of non-stationary ob-
jects - in LSST these are called `diaSources') with sky-plane paths generally consistent with
asteroid behaviour. After linkage, orbit determination is used to separate true moving objects
from random, roughly-but-not-quite-correct alignments.
The linking methods used are based on a tiered approach. First, two or more detections
from a single night are linked into tracklets , under the assumption that within a short time
period (we use 90 minutes as an upper limit based primarily on computational resources) all
solar system objects' motions will appear linear. Thus tracklets have position and velocity,
but no acceleration. Once tracklets are generated for a series of nights, they are then linked
in a second stage into tracks . Tracks consist of detections from multiple nights, which to
?rst order display quadratic motion across the sky, thus tracks have a position, velocity, and
acceleration. The approximation that moving objects follow quadratic motion starts to break
down over longer time periods, thus we limit our tracks to a time span of between 15{30
days. A set of algorithms to implement this tiered approach for the discovery of sky-plane
tracks in dense data are presented in Kubica et al. (2005); these algorithms are the basis of
the linking methods for the current LSST DayMOPS.
LSST Moving Object Pipeline System Design
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This quadratic motion assumption is used in PanSTARRS MOPS, and is a good ?rst
approximation, as virtually all objects for which a true (correctly-linked) track could be gen-
erated will actually generate a track. However, we have found that at the deeper magnitude
limits of LSST, the density of moving objects is high enough that this assumption permits
too many mislinkages or `false tracks' where detections from one moving object are joined
with detections from a di?erent moving object (or other random diaSource), driving the
compute costs too high. As a result, our methods diverge from those of PanSTARRS as
we introduce some more strict ?lters (based on the chi-squared probability) and a higher-
order ?t on tracks, reducing the number of mislinkages at the expense of potentially missing
some true tracks. The algorithms, their implementations, the additional ?lters, and their
behaviors are presented thoroughly in Chapter 2.
Once tracks are discovered, the orbit determination phase is used to separate true link-
ages from mislinkages of moving objects and/or noise. The orbit determination phase takes
tracks (which are just sets of diaSources which follow a roughly appropriate sky-plane path)
and attempts to ?nd a Keplerian orbit which could generate the detections. In general
terms, six detections spread over three nights are su?cient to determine a preliminary (and,
depending on the type of object, perhaps having rather large uncertainties) orbit { at least
two detections on each night are preferred to unmistakably identify a moving object, and
three night's worth of detections are needed to determine the six parameters which make up
an orbit.
Initial orbit determination is the ?rst step in orbital determination, and is where the
mislinkages will fail. During di?erential correction, the initial orbit is further re?ned and error
bounds are established. The process of orbit determination will reject many tracks as false,
but should successfully ?nd precise orbits for virtually all correctly linked tracks. Several
methods for performing this task are known, and several have open-source implementations
available to LSST (Milani et al. 2004), (Milani et al. 2006), (Granvik et al. 2009), (Granvik
2007). The orbits discovered by orbit determination and the diaSources present in the track
associated with each orbit are used to generate new Moving Objects. More information on
orbit ?tting is presented in Chapter 4.
It is worth noting that we have chosen to follow PanSTARRS and store moving object
orbital elements in cometary format; that is, perihelion distance (q), eccentricity (e), incli-
nation (i), longitude of ascending node (node or ?), argument of perihelion (!) and time of
perihelion (T
). For bound orbits these can be easily transformed from q and e to semi-
major axis (a) while T
can be translated to mean anomaly (M), but this representation
also allows expression of orbital elements for objects which appear on hyperbolic orbits such
as comets.
LSST Moving Object Pipeline System Design
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After an orbit has been established for an object (i.e. a new Moving Object has been
created), the observational arc of the orbit should be extended by adding earlier observations
(if the object was observed earlier, but not frequently enough to generate an orbit, for
example) and adding later observations as they are acquired. For MOPS, these extensions
are best handled by searching for potential matching tracklets (tracklets providing a stronger
constraint than single images, thus enabling cleaner matches where positional uncertainties
are high or SNR may be low). The process of searching through old data is called `Precovery';
checking incoming new data is `Attribution'. In both cases, the new diaSources must be
combined with the previously linked diaSources and a new orbit produced. Residuals in the
orbit can be used to reject outliers and re?ne the orbit.
If there are no recoveries of a particular moving object for a period of time, ephemeris
uncertainties may grow large enough to prevent further attribution. At this point, the
same moving object could actually be rediscovered if it is observed with the right cadence,
resulting in new moving object that would be similar (but likely not quite the same due
to orbital uncertainties) to the ?rst moving object. To account for this, DayMOPS will
also periodically have to update all orbits, attempting to ?t joined orbits to similar moving
objects and merging these objects where the residuals in these joined ?ts are appropriate.
The complete set of DayMOPS tasks and their data ?ows are illustrated in ?gure 2.
Fig. 2.|: Data ?ows into the DayMOPS pipeline and results in modi?cations of the Moving
Objects database in a variety of ways, including attribution to known objects, a multi-stage
pipeline for the discovery of new objects, and periodic re?nements of the Moving Object
table, such as possible merges of redundant objects or removal of false orbits.
LSST Moving Object Pipeline System Design
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1.2.2. Status Summary
Most of the work on dayMOPS so far has focused on the linking phases, as these are
essentially the base of the computational pyramid. Chapter 2 provides a summary of the
current software status. Chapter 3 describes tests which have been done with this software,
including computing resource requirement estimates. Both of these chapters include small
descriptions of some issues (marked with a comment as `Issue'), but most of the software
development tasks still to be done are described in more depth in Chapter 6. Many of the
current outstanding issues have to do with potential geometry problems in collapseTrack-
lets and linkTracklets, and the di?erences between the software implementation of RA/Dec
movement compared to great-circle movements on the sky. In general, these issues need fur-
ther evaluation to determine their impact, and then potentially some changes to the code.
The primary impact here is likely to be to the linkTracklets code, potentially in requir-
ing a di?erent implementation of the KD-Tree and potentially in requiring some reworking
of the equations determining compatibility to allow for a higher ?delity approximation of
true orbits. Neither of these should be hugely signi?cant issues in themselves, especially as
the KD-Tree implementation should be reviewed to address memory bloat and to fold in
improvements in memory footprint and speed of use that may be available from tree algo-
rithms in other LSST code such as and the association pipeline. The major
outstanding software issue is that linkTracklets is currently too slow to run in the daytime
window available to it if signi?cant noise is present; improvements will be needed before
LSST's ?rst light. Some experiments with parallel versions of this software are presented in
Chapter 3, showing what may be possible with large-shared-memory parallel machines, but
even on this hardware linkTracklets is currently too slow to run on a typical LSST cadence
with large false-positive diaSource detection rates within 24 hours. The major outstanding
science issues are that due to resource limitations we are not searching for very fast-moving
NEOs (using a limit of 0.5 deg/day in velocity) and that we are not discovering about 25% of
the moving objects we are capable of. Increasing our search velocity and acceleration limits
seems likely to happen hand-in-hand with improving the speed of linkTracklets overall, but
discovering the reasons for not detecting all of the moving objects we should be ?nding will
require more in-depth evaluation of the linking stages performance.
A summary of LSST's current status with regards to orbit ?tting and ephemeris gener-
ation software is given in Chapter 4. The take-away here is that we have two open-source
software solutions available, but neither is ideal for LSST's use in production. LSST should
consider partnering with an organization to develop orbital software that will be appropriate
for our future use, or develop a plan to produce this software in-house.
The emphasis on linking and the lack of orbit ?tting software means that very little
LSST Moving Object Pipeline System Design
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to no software development has been done for LSST in the areas relating to precovery and
attribution or towards software for maintaining the movingObject database. Prototypes are
available, as these pieces of software have been developed for PanSTARRS, and we should
build on the available code as possible for LSST. We should also consult with the Minor
Planet Center and other knowledgable members of the community for recommendations on
orbit updates (when to update an orbit, when to consider new observations as belonging
to the same movingObject). Work on precovery and attribution will need integration with
the database teams, as precovery and attribution are heavy catalog/database use cases.
Developing these pieces of software is more about implementing it well and in a scienti?cally
desireable way, rather than developing new algorithms. More information on the precovery
and attribution stages is presented in Chapter 5.
The needs of the solar system science collaboration for access to an up-to-date orbit
database, vs the Data Release database, and how to reconcile these two versions of the
database after data release are also topics to be considered. Re?nement of the movin-
gObject orbital database (to account for later rediscoveries of the same underlying object)
has not been addressed for LSST, although basic algorithms were created for PanSTARRS.
Additional complications due to binary objects or planetary satellites have also not been
addressed, but are generally expected to be secondary level problems.
LSST Moving Object Pipeline System Design
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2. The Linking Stages of DayMOPS
Su?ciently bright moving objects which are observed by the LSST telescope will gen-
erate diaSource detections, stored in the LSST diaSource detection catalog. The LSST
diaSource detection catalog will also hold detections from a variety of non-moving object
sources, including transient phenomena and artifacts of image processing. One of the major
responsibilities of dayMOPS is to link these diaSources into tracklets and tracks, as described
earlier (see Section 1.2.1).
2.1. Linear and Quadratic and more: Models of Motion
Fig. 3.|: A plot of simulated observations of object 40185 on the sky. Though the obser-
vations span only one week, a pronounced quadratic path is visible. Note that the object is
observed two or more times on each night.
In order to discover and identify new objects, astronomers have traditionally used sky-
plane approximations to predict and model the behavior of solar system objects for which a
true orbit is not yet known. As a general rule of thumb, objects are said to move linearly
(with a more or less ?xed velocity) in RA and Dec over the course of a single night and
quadratically (having velocity and some acceleration) in RA and Dec over the course of a
month. These are, of course, approximations, and linear and quadratic ?ts will inevitably
contain some error. An example of one object with a clear quadratic path over seven days
LSST Moving Object Pipeline System Design
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is show in Figure 3.
In general, these approximations become closer to the actual sky-plane motion of the
object as objects are observed at larger distances from the Earth or at solar elongations
closer to opposition. It's worth noting however, that for faster moving objects such as NEOs
or objects observed further from opposition, these approximations start to break down; for
example, NEOs do show acceleration over the course of a night (although generally not
signi?cant acceleration over 90 minutes) and any moving object near turn-around (where its
motion appears to reverse direction on the sky) will provide a poor ?t to quadratic motion
over a month.
These basic approximations are our starting point and are used to determine which
detections could plausibly be linked. For tracklets, this is simple; diaSources which can be
linked with linear motion become tracklets. For tracks, however, ?rst we determine which
diaSources could potentially be joined into tracks (using the velocity information from the
tracklets along the way) using quadratic motion, but then this track undergoes some further
scrutiny before being marked as `valid'.
When we are determining the validity of tracks, by looking at residuals between the
observed positions and the quadratic approximation of motion (and rejecting detections
or whole tracks which do not have low enough residuals), we have found that allowing for
residuals high enough to account for errors due to the quadratic approximation itself permits
too many mislinkages. The discovery rate of false tracks is hundreds of times the rate of
discovering true tracks; we become swamped with false detections.
To avoid this, when determining the validity of a track, we now require stricter tests. The
primary goal here is to reduce the residuals to allow for tighter ?ltering of the potential tracks.
The ?rst step is to attempt to add a topocentric correction to the detections; during the
night, as the Earth rotates, objects which are close to Earth will have some additional `wiggle'
in their motion due to the change in observer's location. A topocentric correction factor is
determined for each tracklet before building the kd-trees; when the potential tracks are
evaluated, we now ?t for a topocentric correction to the observed positions { the topocentric
correction is the range (1/distance) times this topocentric correction factor. This additional
parameter is ?t using only the RA values, as the e?ect in Declination is small. We also
permit the use of a higher order polynomial to ?t the detections, if it is supported by the
track; i.e. if the ?t residuals are lower than all of the errors between the predicted positions
and the measured positions, the order of the ?t is too high. After the ?t for the track is
created (always separately ?t in RA/Dec), then a chi-squared probability is computed for
the track. We reject tracks with chi-squared values larger than a predetermined cuto?; this
cuto? is determined experimentally to optimize the true / false track ratio.
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Note that tracklets and tracks represent hypothetical linkages, many of which may be
incorrect. The linking algorithms are greedy, and intended to permit ?nding as many moving
objects as possible. Thus, a single detection may exist in several tracklets and/or several
tracks and a given tracklet may be found in multiple tracks, shown in Figure 4. However,
once a diaSource is linked into an actual Orbit, it will not be joined into any further tracklets
or tracks or other moving objects.
Fig. 4.|: An illustration of how DayMOPS linkage might be applied to a single object. In
i, the object is observed on three nights; on the ?rst and last night, it gets two detections
per night, but on the second night it gets four. In ii, initial tracklets are generated; time
separation of visits on the second night is such that we get two tracklets. In iii, we merge
the tracklets from the second night so there are only three tracklets. In iv, we attempt
inter-nightly linking and generate a single track.
2.2. Building Tracklets : ?ndTracklets
Tracklets are linkages between DiaSource detections occuring within the same night.
By creating tracklets, DayMOPS can ?nd sky-plane position and velocity estimates for sets
of detections which may belong to the same solar system objects. The use of tracklets also
simpli?es the downstream work of track generation, which attempts to ?nd sets of detections
with a good position/velocity/acceleration ?t on the sky-plane; since tracklets have known
position and velocity, the track generation phase needs only to ?nd those tracklets compatible
within some acceleration factor.
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Correctly-linked tracklets from a given object are needed to generate a good track for
that object and eventually discover its orbit. However, if these useful tracklets are too
deeply buried among very large numbers of other tracklets, then the job of tracklet linking
will become extremely slow and expensive. Generally, these other, unwanted tracklets are
false tracklets (mislinkages between detections not attributable to the same object), though
in special conditions large numbers of correctly-linked but redundant tracklets can cause
pain as well (this will discussed in 2.3).
In order to ensure that tracklet-generating images are acquired, it is necessary to ensure
that ?elds of the sky are visited two or more times within an accepted time period each
night. To constrain the number of tracklets, we impose a maximum apparent velocity on
the tracklets, and also require that sky ?elds be revisited within a fairly short time period
( ? 90 minutes is the current rule). Raising the maximum velocity threshold enables one to
?nd faster-moving objects, and raising the maximum allowed revisit time also enables one to
generate tracklets in more ?elds of the sky; however, increasing either of these thresholds also
increases the search space and can signi?cantly increase the number of mislinked tracklets,
greatly increasing the cost downstream.
The process of initial tracklet creation is accomplished by the ?ndTracklets software.
Later re?nement of tracklets is accomplished by collapseTracklets and additional ?lters,
primarily purifyTracklets.
2.2.1. Algorithm
The ?ndTracklets software is responsible for ?nding pairs of detections which occur
within a ?xed time threshold, and have apparent velocity below a given threshold. For a
given detection and a set of image times, one can calculate the maximum distance an object
could have travelled at each time using the velocity limit. To ?nd detections with which
the query detection could be linked, one can imagine searching a circular region in the later
images based on this distance.
This can be accomplished in a fairly straightforward way through the use of KD-Trees.
KD-Trees are hierarchical data structures which allow for quickly and e?ciently performing
range searches on points in space (Bentley 1975). We use KD-Trees for many di?erent
purposes in MOPS, but what these uses have in common is exploiting the hierarchical nature
of the trees; using the fact that by checking the boundaries at a high-level on a branch we
may rule out having to compare any of the data stored at lower levels on that branch.
A KD-Tree-based method for building tracklets was ?rst contributed by Jeremy Kubica
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Fig. 5.|: An example of searching for compatible second endpoints for a given detection.
The ?rst detection and each of the second endpoints will be used to create a new tracklet.
for his PhD thesis (Kubica 2005). For ?ndTracklets, 2-Dimensional KD-Trees are used,
covering the space of (RA, Dec). Given a detection and trees containing detections from
later images, we can use range searches to quickly ?nd nearby detections in those later
images and use them for the creation of tracklets.
Because the sky is a sphere, notions of `distance' and `velocity' must be handled carefully,
especially near the poles. Both the KD-Tree library used and the ?ndTracklets software use
actual great-circle distance and velocity for their queries, avoiding problems near the poles.
The software should also be impervious to wrap-around errors - objects which move between,
say, 359:9
in RA and :01
in RA will be detected. The Appendix B explains the KD-Tree
library used in greater detail.
The ?ndTracklets software itself only ?nds pairs of diaSources which could potentially
be moving objects; if particular solar system object was observed four times in one night, it
could potentially generate six separate tracklets, depending on the time of the observations
and the time limits imposed by ?ndTracklets.
2.3. Merging Tracklets
Finding multiple tracklets for a single object makes later stages of linking ine?cient; if
every object was observed four times per night, the number of tracklets could be increased
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by a factor of six - at both the start and endpoints of the tracks - resulting in a 36 times
increase in the number of output tracks. Observing ?elds of the sky (and thus, generating
multiple tracklets) more than twice in a night is common with our current OpSim runs, and
is actually desireable for several purposes. In addition, the `Deep Drilling' ?elds observe
?elds many more than twice per night. In ?elds observed n times per night, the number
of tracklets can grow like O(n
), potentially generating huge numbers of tracklets. Merging
tracklets these tracklet pairs, as appropriate, removes the ine?ciencies for later stages of
linking, thus there are some post-?ndTracklets merging and ?ltering stages to address this
The `collapseTracklets' software attempts to join colinear 2-detection tracklets into
longer (3 detections or more) tracklets, while the `purifyTracklets' software attempts to
avoid the risk of merging mislinked with true tracklets.
In addition, it is sometimes possible that a tracklet may link together a set of detections
already present in another higher cardinality (longer) tracklet; the `removeSubsets' software
?nds and removes these shorter subsets. The subset removal algorithm can be used for tracks
as well as tracklets, and so is presented in section 2.5 after the description of linkTracklets.
2.3.1. CollapseTracklets
In collapseTracklets, a method similar to the Hough transform is used to identify roughly
colinear tracks and merge them. An intermediate time, t
is selected (we use the average
time of the ?rst and last detections) and use the apparent linear motion of the tracklets
to project their location at t
. We then store these projected (RA,Dec) locations and the
angle/velocity of each tracklet. At this point, colinear tracklets should have similar positions
and motion vectors, making them easy to ?nd. This is accomplished with a series of range
searches, which of course can be implemented with 4-D (RA, Dec, angle, velocity) KD-Trees.
The full pseudo-code is presented in Figure 7.
More information on collapseTracklets is available in Jon Myer's Master's thesis, titled
`Methods for Solar System Object Searching in Deep Stacks', submitted 2008 to the Dept
of Computer Science at U of Arizona. A PDF of this document is available in the LSST git
repository of dayMOPS/docs.
Code and usage: The collapseTracklets algorithm is implemented in collapseTracklets.h
and . A command-line interface is implemented in .
Run collapseTracklets -h for usage hints.
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Issue: Currently, collapseTracklets handles wrap-around, but otherwise treats the sky
as a ?at (RA, Dec) plane when calculating the projected positions of tracklets. This is
acceptable for tracklets close to the ecliptic, but not su?cient closer to the poles. This
should be ?xed when possible.
Issue: Choosing an appropriate set of thresholds for collapseTracklets may be di?cult;
with variable time between images, the amount of error on velocity may di?er from tracklet
to tracklet. Other factors come into play as well; higher thresholds will lead to more correct
linkages as well as more incorrect linkages - which, as described in the following section, can
be \undone" later by purifyTracklets. We arrived at our current thresholds through simple
trial and error. These threshholds will have to be evaluated for use with real data with real
astrometric errors and time variability.
2.3.2. PurifyTracklets
PurifyTracklets examines the merged tracklets and removes detections if they are su?-
ciently far from the best-?t line. The algorithm is presented in Figure 8.
2.4. Building Tracks: linkTracklets
With tracklets already assembled, we should have many linkages representing the po-
sition, location, and velocity of the various objects observed, as well as \false" mislinked
tracklets. While tracklets have only linear motion, tracks have more complex paths; in the
track building phase, this is always calculated as a pair of quadratic functions in RA and
Dec, rather than a single motion vector. By making use of this quadratic approximation of
motion, valid for approximately one month, we can move a sliding window of up to 30 days
over the data, looking for tracklets which could be linked by some quadratic acceleration
factor. As we ?nd these linkages, depending on the individual detections themselves, we will
also calculate a topocentric correction to the detections and a higher-order ?t in order to
apply a stronger requirement on the residuals to the ?t when outputting tracks.
Generally, the track generation phase is the most computationally resource intensive
task in DayMOPS processing. Unlike other stages, which consider only a night's-worth of
data at a time, it must consider tracklets from many nights and ?nd linkages between them.
In order to build a useful track, suitable for orbit ?tting, we need to link tracklets from three
separate nights, within our sliding window of time (generally we use 15 days for this time
window, to make the computations manageable). In general, this task scales exponentially
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with the number of tracklets, the time between observations, and the velocity limits for the
tracklets. Thus it can quickly become overwhelming with dense source data, high velocity
and acceleration limits, poor merging of tracklets, and long time windows.
To tackle this problem, we use an algorithm for performing this track discovery presented
by Kubica et al. (Kubica (2005), Kubica et al. (2005)). In essence, the idea behind the
algorithm is to build per-image 4D-Trees of (RA position, Dec position, RA velocity, Dec
velocity), and use these to hold the tracklets, indexed by position/velocity. We then imagine
the KD-Trees as hierarchical bounding boxes, and consider pairs of bounding boxes from
di?erent nights, calculating whether they could be linked by some acceleration factor less
than our maximum acceleration threshold. If the boxes could be linked, then a track may
exist within their contents and we continue searching bounding boxes lower in the tree
hierarchy; if not, we know that no track of interest to us could pass through the boxes and
we can abandon searching immediately. By using the hierarchical structure of the KD-Trees,
we can avoid searching in large areas of tracklet-space where no track could ever exist, greatly
reducing our workload. While these are similar to the KD-trees used in ?ndTracklets, they
are more complex because of the higher dimensionality (4D instead of 2D) and there are
many more trees involved (each individual image is represented by a tree instead of one tree
for an entire night's data, as in ?ndTracklets).
2.4.1. Recursive Tree-walk Using Pruning
In the linkTracklets algorithm, all tracklets starting in a given image are placed in
a single 4D-Tree containing bounding boxes in (RA position, Dec position, RA velocity,
Dec velocity)-space. One tree is created for each of the images. It is then possible to
calculate the acceleration needed for an object in one bounding box in one tree to reach
(i.e. be compatible with) the second bounding box in a later tree. Because we are generally
interested in tracks which have acceleration within a ?xed range (e.g. between > :02deg=day
and < ? :02deg=day
), we can abandon searching at a given pair of bounding boxes if the
necessary acceleration is outside our range of interest.
The minimum and maximum acceleration connecting two bounding boxes is currently
calculated as follows:
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maxAcc = min
Node2:maxV ? Node1:minV
? Node1:minP
? Node1:minV ? dt
? Node2:minP
+ Node2:maxV ? dt
minAcc = max
Node2:minV ? Node1:maxV
? Node1:maxP
? Node1:maxV ? dt
? Node2:maxP
+ Node2:minV ? dt
Issue: Note that this approach simpli?es the problem by treating the sky as a ?at plane,
which will be problematic near the poles. However, the above calculation appears to be the
\hot spot" of the linkTracklets algorithm and accounts for most of the computation time,
and so simplifying to reduce ?oating point costs greatly improves performance.
In the code, this calculation is performed by the function updateAccBoundsReturnValidity
in .
Pruning allows the rapid avoidance of searching in areas where no track can exist.
As a simpli?ed introduction to the full algorithm, see Figure 9 for a two-tracklet-linking,
\endpoint-only" version of the algorithm which ?nds pairs of compatible tracklets on di?erent
Support Tracklets, Support Nodes, and the Full LinkTracklets Algorithm For
orbit determination, we require detections on at least three separate nights. The endpoint-
only algorithm in 9 will only attempt to ?nd pairs of tracklets, giving tracks with only two
nights of observational data. In practice, we seek to ?nd tracks with tracklets from three
unique nights. This could be accomplished using various extensions to the endpoint-only
algorithm, but it is argued in Kubica (2005) and Kubica et al. (2005) that by far the most
e?cient of these variants is called the algorithm called the vtrees (for \variable trees")
In the vtrees algorithm, we search for tracks with one or more intermediate \support"
tracklets in between the \endpoint" or \model" tracklets (the ?rst and last tracklet). To
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accomplish this, the vtrees algorithm searches for compatible endpoint nodes as in Figure 9
but, as search progresses, maintains a list of compatible \support" nodes - nodes which could
hold useful intermediate tracklets between the tracklets in the endpoint nodes. These are
?ltered at each step, again using the equations 1 and 2. As the search descends through
the possible valid combinations of endpoint nodes, the support list is ?ltered and re?ned.
When search terminates at a pair of leaf nodes, the support nodes are used to ?nd possible
support tracklets. If the support list ever becomes empty, we can prune the searching at this
point, since we know no useful track (no track with at least three nights of data) could exist
between the endpoint nodes.
The full vtrees algorithm is presented in Figure 10. This is the actual algorithm imple-
mented by the function doLinkingRecurse from
In the algorithm, support nodes are ?ltered and possibly split (and their children ?ltered)
at each recursive step. Choosing when to split the support nodes is an important performance
question. If we split too aggressively, then we will add more items to S and be required to
?lter a larger number of nodes at each recursion, which will increase cost at each step. If
we split support nodes too rarely, then the support nodes may become very large relative
to the endpoint nodes and we will often ?nd that we have some compatible support node,
and thus continue searching - even in cases where, had we split the support nodes, we
would have seen that none of the leaf nodes held by the larger box were consistent with our
position/velocity/acceleration range. This leads to needless searching when we should have
simply terminated.
Currently, the cuto? for splitting is based on the spatial size of the support node relative
to that of the two endpoint nodes. First a weighting factor, ?, is calculated:
supportNode:time ? nodeA:time
supportNode:time ? nodeB:time
We then split the node if, for any of the spatial axes (RA position, Dec position, RA
velocity, or Dec velocity):
+ ? ? width(nodeB:axis)
< 4 ? width(supportN ode:axis)
Where width is the spatial extent of the node. This approach was developed by Jeremy
Kubica through empirical testing, and may or may not be optimal for our data; however, in
our experience, it seems to be e?ective.
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The splitting and ?ltering of the support trees is implemented by splitSupportRecursively
in . This function uses several helper functions, including the same
updateAccBoundsReturnValidity function used to check the compatibility of endpoint
2.4.2. Track Validation
Once a pair of endpoint tracklets and one or more support tracklets have been found via
the vtrees algorithm, we may attempt to ?nally build a track from them. This is relatively
straightforward; three or more tracklets with compatible acceleration, from three or more
nights, have already been found. However, this acceleration factor is rather approximate,
as it is based on the position and velocity estimate of the tracklets, not the best-?t to the
detections held in the tracklet. Thus, at this point we actually start examining the detections
The track ?tting is conducted in the method calculateBestFitQuadratic in .
First the Dec values of the observations are ?t to either a quadratic or higher order (despite
the name of the method) function, using the residuals of the ?t compared to the di?erences
between predicted and actual positions to control the order of the ?t. Then the RA values
of the observations are ?t, with the added complication of including a topocentric correction
(essentially ?tting for the range of the object). The order of the function in Dec and RA do
not have to be the same.
In the event there are multiple possible support detections at one of these image times,
the best-?tting detection is chosen.
After the ?t is determined, the chi-squared probability of the RA and Dec ?ts is calcu-
lated for the `chi-squared probability ?lter'. If an insu?cient number of valid detections are
found or the chi-squared probability of the RA or Dec ?ts is higher than the predetermined
cuto?, the potential track is rejected. If it is validated, then it is passed to the set of output
2.4.3. Issues and Quirks
Topocentric Correction We can generate more precise ?ts and do more aggressive ?lter-
ing if we ?t for a topocentric correction to the detections, basically converting from topocen-
tric coordinates to geocentric coordinates. For this reason, before the positions/velocities of
the tracklets are calculated, the trees are built or the linking algorithm is run, a topocentric
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correction factor is calculated for each tracklet - this is the topocentric correction for an
object at 1 AU observed at the times of the detections in the tracklet. When the RA values
of the potential track are ?t, the appropriate topocentric correction (which is the topocentric
correction factor multiplied by the range, or 1/distance) is ?t for at the same time as a higher
order polynomial. The order of this polynomial is variable, depending on what the track
will support, in terms of predicted positions vs. observed measurements and their expected
astrometric error.
Issue: This topocentric correction ?t should be veri?ed over the entire sky, as it was
developed for use near the equator/ecliptic.
Note: if it holds up, this could be a useful tool for orbit ?tting as well.
Spherical Geometry Issues Currently, the tracklet tree constructor in
will alter RA (and if needed, Dec) values so that all RA (and possibly Dec) values are stored
on a contiguous 180-degree region. This simpli?es the critical \hot-spot" calculations in
updateAccBoundsReturnValidity , since we do not need to check for values which cross
over the 0/360 line in RA. However, this means that if the input data covers too large an
area of the sky then the acceleration range calculation will likely fail, and thus the whole
algorithm will misbehave.
Further, as mentioned in section 2.4.1, we simplify the math throughout track generation
by treating the sky as a ?at plane, which will lead to signi?cant distortion near the poles.
This problem is often addressed by rotating the data in question so that it is centered on the
RA, Dec origin (0,0), where polar distortions are minimal. This could be done for the entire
input set of detections, but if the detections cover a su?ciently large area of the sky then
we will not signi?cantly reduce the problem. Temporarily re-centering the relevant points
at each call to updateAccBoundsReturnValidity would likely work, but would probably
be quite expensive. This is a problem which needs to be addressed eventually, perhaps by
changing the equations used in 2.4.1, or per by rotating the bounding boxes per-query, so
that the endpoint images will always be roughly centered over the origin.
Issue: Due to manpower constraints, we have not been able to test how big a problem
this is, if the acceleration calculations are failing, and to what degree assuming the sky is `?at'
is distorting acceleration and compatibility calculations. It might be interesting to look at
placing these trees into a x/y/z/vx/vy/vz sphere instead of the current RA/Dec/vRA/vDec
coordinates. It is worth remembering that most of our tests have been using 15 day windows,
so over most of the sky we will not have detections that cover much more than 180 degrees
in RA except potentially near the poles.
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Special Considerations of KD-Tree Construction for linkTracklets Astrometric
error on detections will a?ect both the position and velocities of true tracklets. As a result,
bounding boxes must be extended to encompass not just the tracklets which they hold,
but the surrounding error bars. Each tracklet will have a unique error bar on its velocity,
as tracklets will span di?erent distances in RA and Dec (dp) and may also span di?erent
numbers of images and thus have di?erent dt:
minV =(dp ? 2 ? astromerr)=dt
maxV =(dp+2 ? astrom err=dt
Thus, each node in the tracklet KD-Tree will have its position range extended by:
? astromerr
+astrom err
and its velocity range will be extended to encompass the minV and maxV of all its child
tracklets. These rules apply to leaf nodes as well as non-leaf nodes, which must have bounds
at least as great as their child nodes. Note that as a result of expanding the boxes around
tracklets, KD-Tree nodes may actually overlap.
Note that for linkTracklets, a leaf node's bounds should only extend as far as the error
bars around their tracklets, and the non-leaf nodes should encompass only the area around
their children's bounds. One of our early implementations did not follow this rule, and
instead partitioned the space in a \top-down" fashion as in the left side of Figure 11, and
it then handled the issue of error bars in the acceleration calculation function. This was
technically correct, but lead to horri?c performance - 1,000 or 10,000 times slower than the
current version, illustrated on the right side of Figure 11. This is because the earlier version
had nodes which encompassed larger areas of tracklet-space and thus sets of nodes were more
likely to appear compatible, which results in less search pruning.
The former type of tree is simpler to construct (and perhaps easier to visualize when
debugging). This is the type of tree used in most the other algorithms, which perform
range searches and thus can extend handle their error bars per-query by extending their
ranges as needed. However, the latter type of tree is the one needed for linkTracklets, and
is implemented by the KD-Tree subclass TrackletTree in .
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Performance Enhancements for Acceleration Range Calculation As noted earlier,
the function updateAccBoundsReturnValidity , which implements the equations 1 and 2,
accounts for most of the CPU time spent in linkTracklets. Thus, optimizing performance in
this section of code is critical.
Rather than evaluate all arguments to min and max functions at the outset, the code
attempts to evaluate each possible argument. If it becomes clear at any point that minAcc >
maxAcc, then we know that the search can be pruned and the function returns immediately.
As an additional optimization, we start with minAcc and maxAcc set to the values
used by our caller in the recursive searching. We know that the caller was examining two
endpoint nodes which were either equal to or a parent of our current nodes, and thus our
parents (minAcc; maxAcc) range will be greater than the one we calculate. (For the initial
start of the recursion, we use the user-speci?ed min/max acceleration thresholds, because
we do not care about any values outside this range anyway.) By doing this, we actually
have a maxAcc value available as soon as we calculate our ?rst possible minAcc value and
vice-versa; this allows the earliest possible termination. However, it does make the code
somewhat more confusing to read.
This confusion is somewhat ampli?ed by the fact that this same updateAccBoundsReturnValidity
function is used for ?ltering support nodes. In this case, the initial minAcc and maxAcc
values are taken from the acceleration range calculated when examining the endpoint nodes
nodeA and nodeB, since we are not interested in ?nding acceleration values which connect
nodeA and a support node unless they also connect the support node to nodeB.
This is not an issue, just an explanation of the reasoning for including minAcc and
maxAcc values from the parent and endpoint nodes.
2.5. Subset Removal
Some tracks are subset tracks of other tracks; that is, occasionally detections linked
by one track found by linkTracklets will be a subset of those linked by another track in the
same output set. This can arise for a variety of reasons, but occurs most commonly when a
real object generates tracklets on four or more nights within a linking period. We generally
expect that these subset tracks are unhelpful, and because they increase the size of the set
of tracks sent to orbit determination, they are possibly costly.
Finding and removing subset tracks could be accomplished with a very naive double-for
loop over the set of tracks, but of course this does not scale to larger data sets (O(n
) for n
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tracks). A more e?cient algorithm uses a detection-to-track \reverse-map" R, which maps
from each detection to the set of tracks holding that detection. This is easy to construct for
a set of tracks T:
for t
2 T do
] = fg
end for
for d
2 t
5: R[d
] [ t
end for
We may then use the algorithm from Figure 12, which makes use of this reverse-map.
The underlying idea is this: for each track t
, we seek to ?nd any track containing all the
detections in t
; any track containing all these detections must be equal to or a superset of
Subset tracklets can also occur when collapseTracklets is used. The same algorithm and
software can be used to remove subset tracklets from a set of tracklets as well.
The reverse-map is implemented with a C++ std::map , allowing logarithmic-time
lookups, and its contents are C++ std::set s, which allowing linear-time intersection calcu-
lations. However, both structures are implemented with trees; between the tracks themselves
and these tree structures, this algorithm can require signi?cant amounts of memory, and no
distributed-memory equivalent is currently known to us. Fortunately, we have had good luck
with distributed shared-memory approaches for large data sets (this is documented some-
where by Jon Myers in work with SDSC Dash; however, in practice with the improved ?lters
on the linkTracklets output the large memory requirement is reduced and we could just run
orbit ?tting on everything).
2.6. Notes on Software Development
2.6.1. Accomodations for Large Data Sets
Over the course of our experiments, we discovered that under some circumstances, tools
may return some very large data sets - larger than the memory available on our development
machines. Though RAM sizes may grow over time, it is likely that dayMOPS users will
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continue to experiment with increasingly dense noise or loose limits, resulting in increasingly
large numbers of tracklets or tracks.
To help deal with this problem, the findTracklets and linkTracklets functions can
be con?gured to output their results in various ways; they can be con?gured either to store
their results in memory and return them (much like a normal function call) or to return
nothing and write results directly to ?le. If the user is con?dent that the data set to be
returned will ?t in memory, the former is more elegant (and ?ts better with the LSST model
of passing data to and from worker nodes through memory only), but for our experiments
we always write to ?le, in case the number of tracklets or tracks discovered is large.
The findTracklets and linkTracklets functions each take as an argument an object
of type findTrackletsConfig or linkTrackletsConfig ; each type has a public member
variable called outputMethod which can be set. findTracklets.h and linkTracklets.h
each contain enum types which can be used to set these ?ags.
Dealing with larger-than-memory data sets as input to our software tools is a more
signi?cant problem. We generally assume that the number of input detections will ?t in
memory, and that KD-Trees of these detections will also ?t in memory. This has always
been the case, and fortunately it is easy to predict whether a set of detections will ?t in
memory or not. However, the number of tracklets or tracks may, depending on the data and
con?guration of the software, grow to be quite large, and is not trivially predictable. For soft-
ware which uses tracklets or tracks as its input data and operates on them in bulk (including
collapseTracklets , removeSubsets , and linkTracklets ), this may be problematic.
2.6.2. Parallelization
We have parallelized the various linking stages of DayMOPS using multithreading, im-
plemented using OpenMP (see the code versions ending with OMP in the repository). This
allows multiple CPU cores to work simultaneously on the data set, but does not address the
problem of partitioning the data sets between machines. This means that multithreading
can be e?ective in large-memory environments, but does not attempt to solve the problem
of larger-than-memory data sets.
The issue of larger-than-memory data sets could be addressed in several ways: through
(OS-level or implementation-level) distributed shared memory, algorithmic changes, or sim-
ply requiring large-memory machines. We have explored using kernel-level distributed shared
memory provided by the vSMP software on the Gordon cluster at San Diego Supercomputing
Center. This software runs inside the OS kernels of various machines connected via network,
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and provides the appearance that all CPUs and RAM on the various machines are shared
on a single motherboard. A similar e?ect could be achieved through explicit use of a user-
level distributed shared memory library (such as memcached), but would require additional
Paral lel FindTracklets
In our current version, we parallelize the work being done per-detection. This is achieved
with a simple parallel for loop replacing the for loop at line 12 in the pseudocode at
Figure 6. Because the amount of work done will vary per-detection, depending on how many
possible second endpoints are found, we use dynamic thread scheduling as opposed to static
scheduling. The only critical section used is the writing of results, otherwise there is no need
for inter-processor synchronization or communication.
The tracklets reported by parallel ?ndTracklets should be identical to those reported by
serial ?ndTracklets, though the order in which they are reported may di?er.
Paral lel Col lapseTracklets
The work done is parallelized on a per-tracklet basis. Again, this is achieved with a simple
parallel for loop replacing the for loop at line 8 of Figure 7. The writing of output is inside
a critical section, as in parallel ?ndTracklets.
Unlike ?ndTracklets, the work done in the parallel region of collapseTracklets is not
entirely independent; di?erent threads may read and write the \already merged" ?ags on
tracklets. This leads to a potential consistency problem, with several possible solutions. One
approach would be to enforce strict locking on every read/write to the \already merged"
?ags. This has the disadvantage of potentially scaling very badly, since the reads/writes are
extremely frequent and synchronization costs could be quite high. It is also problematic in
that it creates potential for deadlocks if not implemented very carefully. A second approach
would be to disregard the ?ags entirely, which would be quite simple to implement. However,
in cases where objects may generate many tracklets (e.g. deep stacks, which can see n
tracklets given n observations) this would result in a signi?cant amount of redundant work
being performed. We took a third approach, which attempts to compromise between these
two: we do not enforce strict locking on the \already merged" ?ags, and simply allow that
there may be stale reads occasionally. These stale reads may lead to redundant work, but
because we expect that they will be uncommon in general (perhaps not in deep stacks),
this should not have too big an impact on performance. The redundant work will lead to
redundant tracklets in output, but we expect them to be removed by the removeSubsets
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It is also important to note that because of the \already merged" ?ags, results from col-
lapseTracklets are nondeterministic in a multi-threaded environment. Consider the unusual
case in which tracklets t
and t
are su?ciently close in the tree, and t
and t
are su?ciently
close in the tree, but t
and t
are not su?ciently close in the tree, and querying for one will
not return the other. Depending on which tracklet is ?rst visited and queried for similar
tracklets, tracklet t
may be merged with either t
or t
, at which point it will be ?agged and
never considered again. As a result, output from parallel collapseTracklets runs is expected
to vary, and not just with regard to ordering, albeit quite slightly.
Paral lel LinkTracklets
LinkTracklets looks for tracks which could start in a given image and end in another given
image. Usually, the number of possible start/endpoint image pairs is fairly large, so this
provides a natural axis of paralellism. The psuedocode for the parallel linkTracklets is
presented in Fig. 13.
Unlike the other parallel programs, which write their output inside of a critical section,
parallel linkTracklets maintains separate output sets for each thread, so it has no critical
sections at all. This allows for slightly better scaling of performance. The parallel linkTrack-
lets should return the same tracks discovered by the sequential version, though the order of
their discovery may di?er.
Parallel Subset Removal
Again, the subset removal algorithm contains an outer for loop which provides an obvious
axis of parallelism. The for loop at line 8 of Figure 12 is simply changed to a parallel for
loop to achieve multi-threading parallelism.
The work done in the parallel section is natrually independent, so the only critical
section is the writing of output. The results of parallel subset removal should be identical
to that of the sequential version, except for the ordering.
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Require: I is a set of images, each of which has an associated exposure time and contains
a set of detections
. Create a 2D KD-Tree for each image, holding detections from that image.
T ;
for i 2 I do
t Make2DTree(i:detections)
5: t:time i:time
T T [f t g
end for
. Use these trees to discover the actual tracklets.
tracklets ;
10: for t
2 T do
later f t
2 T :0<t
:time ? t
:time<maxDt g
for d 2 t
:detections do
for t
2 later do
. Use time between images and max velocity to calculate the max travel
dt t
:time ? t
dd dt ? maxV
. Use KD-Tree range search to ?nd detections within max travel distance
tracklets tracklets [ t
end for
end for
end forreturn tracklets
Fig. 6.|: Pseudo-code for the ?ndTracklets algorithm. 2D (RA, Dec) trees are created for
each image; for each detection, later trees are searched for nearby detections.
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{ 31 {
Require: T is a set of intra-nightly tracklets, D is the set of nightly detections from which
T was created, range is a 4-tuple of tolerances for RA, Dec, angle and velocity.
midpoint( f d
: d 2 D g )
for t 2 T do
Calculate t's predicted location at time t
, its motion angle and velocity
end for
. Create a 4D KD-Tree of the tracklets on their projected RA, Dec position and
motion angle/velocity.
tree Make4DTree(T )
outTracklets = ;
for t 2 T; t has not already merged with another tracklet do
. Find tracklets with projected location, motion similar to that of t
candidates tree:rangeSearch(t
projected position
; t
; t
; range)
for c 2 candidates do
if c and t do not contain di?erent detections from the same image then
t:detections t:detections [ c:detections
mark c as already merged
end if
end for
mark t as already merged
outTracklets outTracklets [ t
end forreturn outTracklets
Fig. 7.|: Pseudo-code for the collapseTracklets algorithm. A 4-D KD-Tree over RA, Dec,
angle, velocity is constructed using the projected locations and motion of the tracklets.
Tracklets which are similar in this 4-D space are roughly colinear, so they are merged and
written to output.
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{ 32 {
Require: T is a set of tracklets, rmsMax is a maximum root-mean squared residual on the
tracklet's best-?t function to its detections
for t 2 T do
rms = RMS(t)
while rms > maxRms; j t j > 2 do
remove the worst-?tting detection from t
end while
end forreturn outTracklets
Fig. 8.|: In purifyTracklets, poorly-?tted detections are \pruned" from tracklets. In certain
degenerate cases, we may prune tracklets down to only two detections, in which case the
two-detection tracklet is kept.
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{ 33 {
Require: nodeA and nodeB are KD-Tree nodes which hold tracklets from two di?erent
images on di?erent nights, minAcc and maxAcc specify the limits of accelerations which
the user ?nds interesting.
accRange = min/max acceleration to move from nodeA to nodeB
if accRange does not overlap (minAcc; maxAcc) then return ;
if nodeA and nodeB are leaf nodes then
. When we hit a pair of terminal nodes, and their acceleration bounds
are interesting, then we have found a set of tracklets which may be su?cient to create a
return f tryToBuildATrack(nodeA.tracklet, nodeB.tracklet) g
. In order to ensure that this function sees nodes which are roughly the same
size, we choose the larger node and \split" that one, recursing on its children.
largerNode;smallerNode orderBySize(nodeA;nodeB)
leftRes recurse(largerNode:leftChild;smallerNode;S)
rightRes recurse(largerNode:rightChild; smallerNode; S) return leftRes [
end if
end if
Fig. 9.|: An endpoint-matching, two-tracklet version of the linkTracklets algorithm. Note
that if two nodes have no chance at holding a compatible tracklet (?rst \if" check) then
their children are never searched; only if they may hold an interesting track are the children
searched. In this way, the algorithm avoids even examining a great number of KD-Tree node
pairs and thus the pairs tracklets contained therein.
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{ 34 {
Require: nodeA and nodeB are KD-Tree nodes which hold tracklets from two di?erent
images on di?erent nights, S holds a series of nodes from images take on nights in between
nodeA:time and nodeB:time, minAcc and maxAcc specify the limits of accelerations
which the user ?nds interesting.
accRange = min/max acceleration to move from nodeA to nodeB
if accRange does not overlap (minAcc; maxAcc) then return ;
for supportNode 2 S do
if supportNode represents an awkwardly large portion of tracklet-space relative
to nodeA and nodeB then
replace supportNode with supportNode:rightChild and
supportNode:leftChild, coming back to them later
if no track with acceleration within accRange could pass from nodeA through
supportNode and into nodeB then
remove supportNode from S
end if
end if
if S is empty then return ; . There is no way to build a three-tracklet track
using the contents of these nodes, so abandon searching.
end if
end for
15: if nodeA and nodeB are leaf nodes then
. Again, try to build a track, this time using S for intermediate tracklets
return f tryToBuildATrack(nodeA.tracklet, nodeB.tracklet, S) g
largerNode;smallerNode orderBySize(nodeA;nodeB)
leftRes recurse(largerNode:leftChild;smallerNode;S)
rightRes recurse(largerNode:rightChild; smallerNode; S) return leftRes [
end if
end if
Fig. 10.|: The full vtrees algorithm, the actual algorithm implemented in linkTracklets.
At each recursion, S, the set of support nodes, is split based on the position, velocity, and
acceleration range implied by the nodeA and nodeB, the two endpoint nodes. Note that
if support nodes are periodically \split" and replaced with their chidlren if they too large
relative to nodeA and nodeB.
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Fig. 11.|: Two possible ways of constructing a KD-Tree over four points. The left shows
a top-down tree; the right shows a tree constructed from the bottom up and with non-leaf
branches extending only as far as their children's bounds.
for t
2 T do
candidates = T
for d
2 t
candidates = candidates \ R[d
end for
if j candidates j > 1 then
is a subset of some other t
2 T; discard it
keep t
end if
end for
Fig. 12.|: Psuedocode for the subset removal algorithm
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Require: T is a set of per-image tracklet trees
work ;
for t
2 T do
for t
2 T and t
happens ? 2 nights later than t
if there are su?cient support trees between t
and t
add t
to work
end if
end for
end for
parfor w 2 work do
10: t
sup trees from images between t
and t
use vtrees algorithm (Fig. 10) to ?nd tracks starting in t
, ending in t
and passing
through sup
end parfor
Fig. 13.|: Psuedocode for parallel linkTracklets. First, usable pairs of images are identi?ed
in a single thread, then the searching between these pairs of images is performed in parallel
by multiple threads.
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3. Metrics & Scaling of DayMOPS linking algorithms
Current development e?orts have focused on the linking phase of dayMOPS, as all later
processing is dependant on its success. Existing orbit determination packages claim a high
rate of success for accurate Orbit Determination (OD) given a correctly-linked track, and
should correctly reject false tracks in nearly all cases (Milani et al. 2006). As a result,
we expect that the ability of the system to successfully discover solar system objects in
the data given to dayMOPS will be determined primarily by the linking component and
its ability to send useful tracks to OD. We also expect the overall resource usage of the
dayMOPS system will be calculable given the runtime of the sky-plane tracking component,
the number of tracks it passes to OD, and the per-track OD time of our OD package. As a
result, carefully studying the behavior and output of the sky-plane linking should provide a
reasonable estimate of the resource usage of all of dayMOPS object discovery.
3.1. Metrics for End-to-end Evaluation of Sky-plane Linking
Because the number and density of input diaSources, as well as the cadence of obser-
vations, are important parameters for evaluating the performance of dayMOPS, we have
generally chosen to test on simulated data. In particular, this data simulates what LSST
might pass to dayMOPS in diaSource catalogs, simulated directly from catalogs. As the rest
of the LSST DM software improves, we will move to testing on diaSource catalogs resulting
from simulated images from ImSim (thus containing more appropriate noise backgrounds
and artifacts), but this data is not yet available. It would also be useful to test on real data,
however data sets with the appropriate density of solar system objects (related to the depth
of the images) and cadence are hard to acquire. By testing on simulated data, we have the
advantage that we have a `cheat' { we know the true identity of each diaSource and whether
we are detecting a true or false track.
Because of our limitations with orbit determination at present, and because we are
focusing on the linking stage of dayMOPS, we established the following set of conditions:
? A moving object is found if a track is generated by linkTracklets that consists only
of detections from the moving object and consists of 6 di?erent observations from at
least three di?erent nights. This should be enough information for orbit determination
to generate a useful orbit, so practically speaking is a useful condition for considering
an object `found'.
? A moving object is ?ndable if the number of observations of the object meet these
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same guidelines: at least 2 observations within our tracklet time window (90 minutes)
on at least 3 separate nights within the track time window (15 days), and velocity and
acceleration limits below the chosen threshholds. Not all moving objects are observed
by the telescope with the appropriate cadence, and not all objects ?t within our current
velocity and acceleration bounds.
When running simulations, determining whether or not a given object is ?ndable is fairly
straightforward, and determining which objects are found simply involves examining the
output tracks.
Then, to understand the success and net cost of our linking, we can compare the objects
found together with the compute cost for ?nding these objects. When measuring and opti-
mizing the internal behavior of the dayMOPS system, it is helpful to study the quality and
quantity of the intermediate data structures used (i.e. the tracklets, the number of ?ndable
objects compared to found, and the number of false tracks) as well.
The total number of tracks or tracklets is of signi?cant concern when estimating the
resource usage of the system. The number of tracklets will be a major factor in the predicting
the workload of track generation, and the number of tracks should entirely decide the size
of the workload for OD. As such, we measure the number of tracks and number of
tracklets .
Correctly-linked tracks and tracklets are referred to as true tracks and true tracklets .
We present the percentage of tracklets and tracks which are true in our results. Note that
it is expected that multiple correctly-linked tracklets and/or tracks may be generated for a
given found object, if the object is observed more than the minimum number of times as
is the case in most of these simulations. Thus, we expect the number of true tracks and
tracklets to signi?cantly exceed the number of found objects, and the fraction of true tracks
to ?ndable objects can exceed 100%. Nonetheless, we ?nd that checking the true/false ratio
of tracklets and tracks helps to illustrate the quality of linkages used as input to the track
generation software and to OD.
3.2. Simulation test setup
To test MOPS, we generated one month of simulated asteroid detections, based on the
image cadence of the Operations Simulator (run 3.61) between the dates 51029 and 51061.
Pointings from around the full sky were used, but only pointings which were part of the Wide
Fast Deep (aka `universal') portion of the survey. Simulated asteroid detections were gener-
ated using the LSST Catalogs Simulation framework, by applying ephemeris generation to a
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statistically viable solar system model containing 11 million objects (the Grav Solar System
Model, SSM (Grav et al. 2011)). Objects which should have been detectable with a SNR
of 5 or greater in a particular pointing were recorded into a detection catalog. Conservative
per-image levels of astrometric error were added to the detection locations, depending on
the SNR of the objects, the seeing in the image, and an assumed systematic astrometric
error ?oor (about 0.2"). A plot showing the sky distribution of the detections used in the
simulation is presented in Figure 14.
Fig. 14.|: A reduced-density plot of simulated asteroid detections (DiaSources) used in our
simulated catalog.
3.2.1. Choosing the Linking Time-Window
As expected in production, we attempted to generate tracklets between any pair of
images separated by more than 15 minutes and less than 90 minutes. However, for a more
manageable track generation phase, we attempted to link tracklets if they were separated by
? 15 days; in production, it is expected that this number will be 30. These numbers should
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be consistently true across all experiments presented here.
3.2.2. Choosing Velocity and Acceleration Limits
Fig. 15.|: A cumulative histogram of solar solar system object sky-plane velocities, orga-
nized by classi?cation. These velocities include objects at solar elongations greater than 60
degrees. Classes of objects closer to the Sun and to the Earth (NEOs) move faster than
objects further away (TNOs).
We chose limits on velocity and acceleration by looking at the actual velocities and
accelerations of objects from the SSM, after generating their ephemerides at a variety of
times. Histograms of the velocities and acceleration distributions are shown in Figures 15
and 16.
As can be seen from these distributions, NEOs move fastest and with the highest accel-
erations, while outer solar system objects (SDOs, TNOs) move much more slowly. In order
to detect 99% of all MBAs, velocity limits of 0.5 deg/day and an acceleration limit of .02
are su?cient. It's worth noting that this is too slow to detect more than about
80% of the NEOs, but this is a simplifying choice made to make ?nd and linkTracklets more
manageable at this stage of development.
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(a) Apparent Accelerations in Right Ascension over 15
(b) Apparent Accelerations in Right Ascension over 30
(c) Declination Apparent Accelerations in Declination
over 15 Days
(d) Declination Apparent Accelerations in Declination
over 30 Days
Fig. 16.|: Normalized histograms of sky-plane accelerations of several classes solar system
objects in the RA and declination, with objects grouped by classi?cation. Histograms are
presented for changes over 15 days and 30 days. The best-?t accelerations vary slightly
given the size of the window; this is due to non-quadratic factors not included in the simple
quadratic model. 15 day tracking windows are used in the experiments presented in this
document, but we expect to move to 30 day windows in the future. In both cases, virtually
all MBAs, and all other objects except NEOs, should have accelerations between -.02 and
.02 deg/day
in both axes.
3.3. Simulation Results
All simulations were conducted on the Gordon cluster at San Diego Supercomputing
Center. Because of the large memory requirements for running MOPS, the vSMP nodes
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were used for all stages of computation. Except for the scaling tests, 16 threads were used
for all the runs.
Number of asteroid detections: 36,311,037
Number of non-asteroid detections: 0
Average detections per night: 1,134,719
Number of tracklets found: 12,890,181
Number of true tracklets: 6,859,331
Tracklets % true: 53.2%
Tracklet generation time: 4,791 sec (1.33 hours)
Tracklet generation memory use: 13.7 GB
Number of tracks found: 10,423,382
Number of true tracks: 5,779,424
Track % true: 55.4%
Track generation time: 36,237 sec (10.1 hours)
Track generation memory use: 16.2 GB
Number of found objects: 854,037
Number of ?ndable objects: 1,128,643
Found / ?ndable: 75.7%
Fig. 17.|: Results from the MOPS run without noise. Velocity limit was .5 deg/day,
acceleration limit was .02 deg/day
and the track chi squared probability limit was .9. Note
that not quite one fourth of objects which should generate plausible tracks are rejected.
3.3.1. Survey E?ciency
Figure 17 shows in-depth stats for a `perfect' survey, where SSM detections above 5?
SNR in each image are reported without additional `noise' from artifacts in di?erence imag-
ing, background transients, or ?uctuations in sky background. As in all our runs, track
generation is far more expensive than tracklet generation in terms of CPU usage, but both
require substantial amounts of memory. Also note that nearly one fourth of the ?ndable
objects (those which should generate useful tracks) are not found. While over time these
objects may not be lost forever (if they are discoverable in other apparitions), this is a fairly
dramatic ine?ciency in discovery rate, especially when discovery losses due to survey cadence
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{ 43 {
ine?ciencies are considered. The cause of this ine?ciency is not entirely clear at present,
however there are indications it is linked to overly aggressive ?ltering in the chi-squared
probability ?lter; examining the pre-determined cuto?, especially to see if the same cuto?
should be applied over the entire sky, would be a ?rst step.
Issue: This discovery rate of 75% is a signi?cant issue for dayMOPS and should be
investigated further. It's possible that simply tuning the chi-squared probability ?lter cuto?
would ?x the problem, although it could also be related to sky-plane distortion problems
once the poles are included in the input data.
3.3.2. Nightly Variance in Runtime
The cost of running MOPS depends on a variety of factors which are largely dependent
on telescope operations, such as revisit rates and the locations of revisits. If no ?elds are
observed that could have compatible tracklets, then MOPS very quickly rules out these ob-
servations and so runtime is short; on the other hand, if having lots of potentially compatible
detections means that runtime will be longer. Figure 18 shows the range of variations over
the month of this simulation.
3.3.3. Scaling on Non-Asteroid Sources
Actual images will contain diaSources from non-asteroid sources: sky ?uctuations, tran-
sient objects, and image processing artifacts (e.g. from bright stars) will also be present.
Because the quality of image processing is not known, we added non-asteroid \noise" detec-
tions to images at varying rates. At each rate, a ?xed n noise detections were added to each
image, with locations chosen at random. This is not a truly realistic representation of the
noise, as positions of actual noise sources could be highly correlated and thus mimic actual
moving objects to preliminary stages of linking (thus making compute times increase). The
response of dayMOPS to actual data may thus be quite di?erent, but this was a reasonable
starting point until more information is available.
We successfully ran the linking stages of dayMOPS using densities as high as 5,000 non-
asteroid sources per image. After adding 10,000 non-asteroid sources per image, tracklet
generation was possible but linking tracklets into tracks was too slow - at over 48 hours for
a single night of searching, it exceeded the wall-clock limit on Gordon jobs.
Figure 19 presents a short summary of the input detection catalogs generated at each
of the noise densities. For each of these catalogs, tracklet generation was performed for each
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Fig. 18.|: Per-night costs of tracklet generation and track generation. Also, in the track
generation section, note that because only 31 sets of nightly tracklets were generated, later
runs had less data in their 15-day window and thus ran considerably faster. This is an
artifact of the experiment and not a meaningful trend.
of the 31 simulated nights of observation; results can be seen in Figure 20. As expected,
increasing numbers of false detections lead to worse-than-linear increases in mislinkage. This
lead to worse-than-linear increases in computational costs for generating the tracklets, both
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in terms of CPU and memory usage.
The tracklets generated in the tracklet generation test were used to test scaling of track
generation. For reasons of time, we only attempted to search for tracks starting on the
?rst night of observation (i.e. the ?rst window of linkTracklets). Results are presented in
Figure 21 and Figure 22. The CPU time cost for track generation scaled worse-than-linearly
on the number of tracklets. However, we saw only modest increases in the number of output
tracks and runtime for linkTracklets, meaning that we were able to successfully reject most
of these false tracks during track validation. Also note that the number of objects found
remained nearly constant across the various runs.
Per-Image Noise Density Total number of detections % noise detections
Fig. 19.|: An overview of the detection sets used for the scaling tests on noise density.
3.4. Conclusions
For LSST images, we expect that 50-80% of the DiaSources in our catalogs may be
attributable to non-asteroid, real astronomical sources, before considering image subtraction
artifacts. This corresponds to roughly 1250 or 5000 \noise" points per image, as we simulated.
To meet requirements, we must be capable of running one night's-worth of tracklet
generation, track generation (using the entire previous 15 to 30 day window's worth of
tracklets), and per-track IOD within 24 hours, plus precovery and attribution. For the 50%
noise case, we saw a maximum tracklet generation time of 10 minutes (using 16 CPUs) and
for the 80% noise case we saw a maximum tracklet generation time of 21 minutes (again
using 16 CPUs). In our testing of track generation, we saw 306,866 tracks and 461,902
tracks generated in the 50%-noise and 80%-noise cases respectively. Expecting a trivially
parallel IOD and an IOD cost of roughly .001 seconds/track, we anticipate that IOD should
not be problematic: given a few hundred CPUs, we should be able to complete the nightly
IOD processing in a few wall-clock hours.
The cost of running linkTracklets, however, could be problematic given the 24-hour
limit. As seen in Figure 21 (c), linkTracklets can be quite slow, and runtimes can increase
worse-than-linearly on the number of input tracklets, with non-linear factors becoming signif-
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(a) Number of tracklets generated at various noise
density levels
(b) Tracklet % true at various noise density levels
(c) Tracklet generation runtimes at various noise
density levels
(d) Tracklet generation memory use at various noise
density levels
Fig. 20.|: Tracklets generated at varying densities of non-asteroid \noise" sources, and
corresponding compute costs. Each data point represents 31 days of tracklet generation. The
same asteroid catalog was used for each simulation, but increasing numbers of \noise" sources
were added in each simulation (see Figure 19). Note that the number of tracklets generated,
and the computational costs to ?nd them, increase quickly as noise density increases. This
is apparently due to the increase of mislinked \false tracklets".
icant somewhere between the 50%-noise and 80%-noise cases. In the 50%-noise experiment,
runtime for a single night was only 1.4 hours, but for the 80%-noise experiment, runtime
was 32.5 hours! Again, both experiments used 16 CPUs.
In our one-month run of linkTracklets without noise, we found the per-night cost of
tracklet generation could vary by a factor of two or more (see Figure 18). Applying this
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(a) Number of tracks generated at various noise den-
sity levels
(b) Track % true at various noise density levels
(c) Track generation runtimes at various noise den-
sity levels
(d) Track generation memory use at various noise
density levels
Fig. 21.|: Tracks generated at varying densities of non-asteroid \noise" sources, and cor-
responding compute costs. Detections catalogs with increasing numbers of noise detections
(Figure 19) and tracklets generated from these catalogs (Figure 20) were used to generate
linkTracklets input. For reasons of time, each linkTracklets run attempted to ?nd only tracks
which started on the ?rst night of data and ended anywhere within the ?rst 15 days.
to the runs performed with noise, this gives us an estimated maximum nightly runtime of
between 2.8 and 65 hours (assuming 16 CPUs).
In order to reach the goal of running tracklet generation, track generation, and IOD
on the tracks, we should aim to reduce the maximum runtime of linkTracklets to below 20
hours in the worst case. This requires a speedup of at least 3-4 over the current perfor-
mance. Such a speedup may be possible simply by waiting on Moore's law, but it would
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Noise Density Number of Tracklets Found Objects
Fig. 22.|: Objects found by linkTracklets with varying densities of noise in the input
catalogs. Note that the number of objects found is only slightly a?ected by the presence of
noise in the input catalogs.
be preferable to begin experimenting with larger numbers of threads and possible sequential
optimizations as soon as possible, together with looking at potential improvements in the
uderlying KD-Tree algorithms (such as optimizing the tree-walking code, making sure the
leaf-node sizes are appropriate, checking support node splitting, and ensuring that memory
is being accessed e?ciently. It may also be worthwhile to explore GPUs in the context of
parallelization, if trees can be e?ciently split between di?erent machines to reduce individ-
ual memory footprint requirements (such as was attempted with the preliminary work on a
distributed linkTracklets algorithm by Matt Cleveland).
Preliminary scaling experiments showed little additional speedup when using more than
16 CPUs, and a possible slowdown as the number of CPUs exceeded 20. However, these
tests were conducted using a smallish data set, and should be repeated with a larger one.
Initial tests were also conducted on Gordon vSMP nodes, which hold only 16 CPUs per
motherboard; this is another possible cause of the poor scaling beyond 16 CPUs, and should
be compared with scaling tests on conventional single-board, large-memory UMA machines.
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4. dayMOPS: Orbits
Orbits are used in a variety of places within dayMOPS (and nightMOPS). We ?t orbits
(6 parameter Keplerian orbits) to the sets of diasources which make up a track in order
to determine which tracks correspond to real moving solar system objects, as the orbit ?ts
provide much tighter constraints on the linkages than the track ?ts. After determining an
orbit for a movingObject, we identify potential additional detections from both previous
observations and future observations by predicting the positions of the movingObject from
the orbit, adding those detections to the ?t, and re-evaluating the orbit, through the processes
of precovery and attribution. We also use orbits and their uncertainties to determine the
positions and their uncertainties of known movingObject for nightMOPS.
Thus, under the general heading of `orbit software' we actually have a variety of needs.
These include:
? Ephemeris generation. This is software to generate positions, velocities, and magni-
tudes of moving objects at a particular time from a given orbital element distribution.
This is needed for nightMOPS and for precovery and attribution.
? Orbit propagation. This is software to propagate orbital elements backwards and for-
wards in time; the resulting changes in the orbital elements can be minor (updating
the mean anomaly, for example) but over a longer timespan can be major (changing
semi-major axis and eccentricity due to the in?uence of other planets, for example).
This is often bundled with ephemeris generation, but is not necessarily quite the same.
This is needed for ephemeris generation, but may also be important for detecting du-
plicate movingObjects (a single movingObject discovered at two separate times during
the survey).
? Initial Orbit Determination. This is software to ?t a preliminary orbit to a set of
detections, usually only used when there are only a few detections such as when we
?rst discover a movingObject. This is needed for the orbit determination stage of
? Di?erential Orbit Determination. This is software to ?t a full orbit to a set of detec-
tions, usually incorporating all available observations and leveraging the initial orbit
determination ?t into a ?t that includes error bars. Sometimes IOD and DOD are pack-
aged together in orbit determination software, but mathematically these are usually
separate processes with di?erent assumptions on the underlying orbit. For example,
IOD may assume that the detections represent an object near perihelion, while DOD
may relax that assumption and try to ?t for the perihelion location and mean anomaly.
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Often all of these capabilities are bound together in a single distributed software package,
but this is not necessarily the case. Furthermore, it may be to LSST's advantage to use
di?erent packages for di?erent needs, if there are speed di?erences. For example, ephemeris
generation and orbit propagation may be tasks that translate well to GPU architecture,
given the repetitious and math intensive nature of the calculations, while IOD and DOD
may not due to the individualized nature of each ?t.
4.1. Orbit packages
At present, the number of available open-source software packages is limited. OpenOrb,
by Mikael Granvik, provides Fortran95 code with limited python interfaces. OrbFit, by
Andrea Milani, provides Fortran95 code only. Both of these software packages provide all
the functionality above, although with varying disadvantages. There may be other open-
source packages available, but these are the main two we have investigated, and seem to be
the only two that provide all functionality required for all types of solar system objects.
One of the main di?erences between OpenOrb and OrbFit is their approach to IOD, and
in particular, DOD. OpenOrb uses statistical ranging while OrbFit is based on geometric or-
bit ?ts for DOD. A extremely simpli?ed description of statistical ranging would be: generate
many possible orbits for a particular set of detections and see which one ?ts the observations
the best. This has the advantage that it will (to the limits of the parameter space which
is explored) ?nd the best ?t orbit, including being able to distinguish between NEOs and
MBAs with short observational arcs. It will return a probability distribution function of
all likely orbits, even if they are not connected in orbital parameter space. This makes it
scienti?cally most accurate in calculating an orbit, and gives the best estimate of whether
an object is truly an NEO or not. It has the disadvantage that it is calculating ephemerides
for many possible orbits and comparing those predictions to the observed detections, to see
which one '?ts the observations best'. This makes it compute-intensive, and as a result,
slow. An extremely simpli?ed description of geometric orbit ?ts would be: take the observed
detections and ?t an ellipse through those detections, using an analytic formula. This has
the advantage that it is extremely fast in comparison to statistical ranging and could identify
orbits well enough to recover the objects at a later time, even if the orbit determination was
incorrect. It has the disadvantage that a single orbit, with (most likely) incorrect errors
(because generally the error space is non-gaussian) is returned, and in particular, NEO or-
bits may be assigned to MBA objects at particular solar elongations. There is likely also
di?erences in IOD, although these details are less clear (to me).
OpenOrb's code exceeds 60,000 lines in the main portion of the software, and provides
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two di?erent python libraries for interacting with this code. One is an f2py library which
handles ephemeris generation (with and without errors) and orbit propgation, while another
is a custom python interface (which may be out of date, depending on if API changes have
occured) for IOD and DOD. OrbFit's codebase exceeds 160,000 lines, so is also not a simple
program (there are multiple ways to ?nd best options for the orbit ?t, particularly for short
arcs, beyond the simple ellipse). Note that the version of OrbFit being used by PS is not
quite the same as the open-source version: Milani rewrote some of the code to be faster.
There are no python bindings, and OrbFit interacts with data through text ?les (separate
?les for each object).
A rough comparison of the relative speed of orbit determination using each of these
methods gives:
? OpenOrb 20s / track (estimates from JM) [10s for ranging (IOD) with a subset of
detections, 10s LSL (DOD) with all linked detections]
? OrbFit 0.005s / track (estimates from PS)
Obviously, this di?erence in orbit ?tting is signi?cant. It is likely that the requirements
for OpenOrb could be tuned with better understanding of the ranging and least-squares
stages, but it seems unlikely that it will be as fast as OrbFit (or even within a few orders of
magnitude). Beyond considerations of the speed of orbit ?tting, there are also considerations
of ease of use and integration with the LSST stack. This is where OrbFit is di?cult, as
requiring text ?les for each object will not scale well for the number of objects expected in
LSST or for our computing platform. In addition, it would be di?cult for LSST to maintain
these codes independently of the original authors.
Orbit determination is performed per-track and is thus trivially parallelizable. In addi-
tion, unlike the linking phases, these algorithms require little memory overhead.
In terms of ephemeris generation, both packages appear similar. We have done some
tests to determine the timing requirements for ephemeris generation with OpenOrb and ?nd
10 ; 000 objects
(s) ? 0:7(
)(Days from Orbit Epoch) + 3:5(s)
on a macbook pro (see Figure 23). The major things to note here are that the time required
to generate an ephemeris increases as the di?erence between the orbital epoch and the time
of the requested ephemeris increases (due to the need to propagate the orbit to the time of
the ephemeris), and that there is some overhead due to reading in the JPL binary ?les that
describe the position of the Earth and other major planets and writing out the outputs. In
addition, the time required to generate ephemerides for N objects scales as O(N).
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Fig. 23.|: Results of a test of the time required to generate ephemerides for 12,078 objects
(scaled to 10,000 objects for the plot) using OpenOrb.
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5. Precovery and Attribution
This section is intended to provide a brief overview of the requirements for precovery
and attribution, along with some speculation on how these tasks may be implemented.
5.1. Attribution
Attribution is the process of adding new observations to an existing movingObject, thus
increasing its observed orbital arc. This decreases the errors in the orbital parameters, gener-
ally making the object more useful for dynamical modeling or studying orbital distributions
of populations and making future ephemeris predictions for the object more accurate. These
additional observations are particularly useful when the orbital arc is short.
Attribution could take place by adding single detections within a night, if the ephemeris
prediction is suitably low in error and a comparison image or template shows that no other
star, galaxy or transient object is present at the predicted location. This process should
be considered if the LSST cadence results in many single visits per night, or perhaps as an
additional goal to ?ll in as many observations as possible. However, in general, it will be more
reliable to extend the arc by looking for multiple observations of the same moving object
within a night, so as to use not only the position but also the velocity as match criteria.
This allows larger ephemeris errors to still result in a reliable identi?cation and means that
tracklets should be the basis for attribution.
The process of attribution would then go as follows:
? After the night's worth of observations, dayMOPS ?ndTracklets phase produces track-
? Ephemerides for all the currently known movingObjects are produced, at some intervals
over the time span of observing.
? These ephemerides (presumably placed into some form of KD-Tree holding position
and velocity information) are compared to the night's tracklets (also placed in a similar
KD-Tree), and the intersecting matches are inspected further.
? For each movingObject and tracklet match, take all the detections which make up the
movingObject and the tracklet and use these to attempt to ?t an updated orbit; if the
residuals are appropriate, then the match is considered correct.
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? For correct matches, the movingObject orbit is updated, the detections are ?agged as
belonging to this movingObject, and the detections (and any tracklets involving those
detections) are removed from the set of tracklets.
? The remaining set of tracklets are then sent onwards to linkTracklets.
The details of matching the ephemerides and the tracklets have not been worked out.
The LSST case is demanding because we expect about 800 observations per night and (to-
wards the end of the survey) 11M known movingObjects; this means it will likely be im-
practical to brute force things by just predicting the positions of all known movingObjects
at all observational times. However, work done in nightMOPS is applicable here as well if
the velocities are ignored in the ?rst stages, and only considered when examining potential
matches; if the requirement is that potential matches are close to the predicted positions in
more than one visit, this essentially includes the velocity condition implicitly.
5.2. Precovery
Precovery is the process of adding old observations (that could not be identi?ed at the
time) to an existing movingObject, again increasing its observed orbital arc, although here it
is `backward' in time. An additional advantage of precovery is that it reduces the uncertainty
in ephemeris predictions without waiting for additional observations, thus presumably mak-
ing further attribution less time consuming as the ephemeris errors become smaller. Again,
the most useful method of precovery will include multiple observations within a night.
There are many possible approaches to precovery. While attribution should be at-
tempted for all known movingObjects as soon as tracklets are formed, precovery should only
be done if a movingObject's orbit is signi?cantly changed by adding new observations (`sig-
ni?cantly' meaning that the ephemeris predictions move beyond the region which would have
been included in any previous attempts at precovery). Precovery e?orts should also be lim-
ited to a timespan where the uncertainty in ephemeris predictions permit reliable matches.
These two factors suggest that precovery may be best handled on an object-by-object basis,
perhaps as follows:
? Using the orbit of the movingObject, generate coarse ephemerides backward in time to
the point that the uncertainty in the ephemeride predictions reaches a predetermined
? Compare these coarse ephemerides (including the predicted magnitudes) to the location
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of LSST pointings (and their measured 5? limiting magnitudes) to determine visits
where the movingObject may be visible.
? For the visits where the movingObject may be visible, retrieve diaSources which do
not match other known movingObjects or Objects.
? Compare the diaSources to the ephemeris predictions for each time, looking for multiple
potential matches within a night.
? Combine the potential matches and the detections which make up the movingObject,
and use these to attempt to ?t an updated orbit; if the residuals are appropriate the
match is considered correct.
? Update the diaSource table to re?ect the new movingObject associations, and update
the movingObject orbit with the new parameters.
This is likely to become an iterative process; precovery is performed, additional obser-
vations are identi?ed and orbit is updated, making further precovery possible.
A complication with both precovery and attribution is that with the additional ob-
servations, it may become clear that diaSources which were previously associated with the
movingObject no longer belong (i.e. the residuals between the orbit predictions and the
location of these diaSources becomes larger than the overall RMS). This will mean that fur-
ther changes in the association of diaSources will occur, and further evaluation of the orbit
may be necessary (which observations should be kept, which should be discarded?).
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6. Further Development Tasks
Though the core algorithms of MOPS have been implemented in LSST-appropriate
style, further research and development are needed.
6.1. Long Duration Survey Performance
Current simulations cover fairly short time periods, and therefore emphasize the problem
of initial object discovery. In the course of the full survey, we expect that many detected
sources will be attributed to already-discovered objects. Because initial object discovery
phases are relatively expensive and ephemeris calculation is relatively fast, we expect that
the resource usage of the system will decline over time, as more objects are discovered and
the size of input catalogs is reduced. This expectation needs to be veri?ed and quanti?ed.
Attribution, precovery and Moving Object management and re?nement of the Moving
Object table are not yet implemented in LSST-compliant software. Developing this software
should be a signi?cant development task.
To test this software, we will need to generate simulated input catalogs which span
longer time periods. Improvements in the catalog generation software at UW (which took
place after most of the simulations presented in this document) should make this possible.
6.2. Including Trailing for Near-Earth-Object Searching
Near-Earth Objects tend to have the highest sky-plane velocity. This presents a signif-
icant challenge; as we increase the maximum velocity limit of our tracklet generation, the
potential for mislinkage increases signi?cantly, leading to higher numbers of tracklets and
increased costs.
Fortunately, fast-moving NEOs will generate visible trails in our images. By requiring
all tracklets to show trails consistent with their apparent sky-plane velocity, we expect that
it will be possible to ?lter most false tracklet linkages, thus rendering the problem of NEO
searching manageable.
The ability to ?lter on trailing is dependent almost entirely on our ability to correctly
identify trails in images. Currently, the ability of image processing to detect trails is not
well quanti?ed. To remedy this, we will need to generate simulated images which include
asteroid trails and send them to image processing; further re?nement of image processing
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algorithms may be neccesary.
6.3. Distributed LinkTracklets
In case the implicit memory sharing is not su?cient (say, because distributed shared
memory systems do not provide adequate performance), it may be necessary to write an
explicitly distributed linkTracklets. This was attempted by a CS Master's student, Matt
Cleveland, working with Prof. Dave Lowenthal. The design was well-thought out but com-
plex, leading to slow implementation. The distributed version was forked o? before a variety
of changes to the serial version were made, and never merged with those changes.
The distributed linkTracklets, the master node held only the tracklets of the endpoint
trees, and the higher levels of the endpoint and support trees. The master node would
attempt the linking algorithm on the higher levels of the tree until it reached a terminal
point; it would then attempt to predict the amount of work needed to complete the linking
and save the state of the searching and estimated cost to a bu?er. Periodically, the work
items in the bu?er are distributed to worker nodes, with attention given to load distribution
as well as cache issues, attempting to minimize the amount of data which must be transferred
to worker nodes.
6.4. Trivial Code Changes
Reducing Memory Bloat in KD-Tree Libraries Because of the size of the data sets
in MOPS, memory consumption is a frequent problem. Though this cannot necessarily be
addressed exclusively through improvements in software implementation alone, the overhead
could be reduced signi?cantly.
Lack of attention to the memory size in the initial implementation of the KD-Tree
library has resulted in needless memory bloat of the trees. Each node uses a series of
std::vector s which could be replaced with pointers or C-style arrays. On a 64-bit archi-
tecture, std::vector has an overhead of at least 24 bytes, where pointers and ?xed-size
arrays have an overhead of just 8 bytes. Currently, KD-Trees use four vectors, meaning an
overhead of 96 bytes per node.
Further modi?cation could further reduce the size of KD-Tree nodes; for instance, rather
than storing k in an integer, it could made a template argument so the constant is \baked
in" at compile time and would not need to be stored.
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Removing Critical Sections in Parallel Implementations In all the multithreaded
software (except linkTracklets), we maintain a single output vector (or set) to which all
threads write. To prevent con?icts, these writes must be wrapped in critical sections. Critical
sections impose synchronization costs, which may become signi?cant when threads execute
on separate boards and must communicate over the network (as in vSMP or other OS-level
distributed shared memory systems).
To reduce overhead, each thread should really maintain its own output vector, which
could be used without any critical section and merged later, after all worker threads have
completed, as is done in linkTracklets.
6.5. Signi?cant Changes in CollapseTracklets
Motion Vectors Currently, collapseTracklets parameterizes motion using location, angle,
and velocity. However, for low-speed objects which have signi?cant observational error, the
angle can be a?ected by signi?cant error. This means that setting a threshold for angle
tolerance can be di?cult; if set too low, then tracklets from slow-moving objects may not be
merged, and if set too high, then tracklets from fast-moving objects may be mislinked.
This problem would likely be less severe if motion angle and velocity were replaced
by per-axis velocity in RA and declination. However, after making this change, it will be
necessary to develop experimentally determine some e?ective thresholds, which can be a
time-consuming process.
Polar Distortion When projecting the locations and motion vectors of objects to a com-
mon time, the current collapseTracklets implementation currently treats celestial coordinates
as though they were planar. This is fairly e?ective close to the ecliptic, but near the poles it
could be problematic. Fixing this should be relatively trivial, but it has not yet been done.
Exploring Parallelism and Caching of Flags As mentioned in 2.6.2, there are several
possible methods for dealing with the per-tracklet \already merged" ?ags. The current
implementation does not explicitly address the issue, and no attempt has been made to
compare various approaches and their performance.
Currently, there is no explicit caching of the \already merged" ?ags, and all threads
modify them without regard for locking. On a true large-memory, single-board system, this
should be ?ne: integer-sized reads should be atomic, meaning no partially-written results
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could be read, and only in very unusual cases could a stale value be read. However, in
systems with CC-NUMA systems, likely including vSMP systems such as SDSC's Gordon
cluster, it is possible that stale reads could occur when threads from the same process execute
on multiple boards.
6.6. Dealing with Near-Pole Distortion in LinkTracklets
The math used in linkTracklets to determine acceleration is almost certain to break
down on near-pole cases. Further, the chi-squared probability ?tting and ?ltering has not
yet been tested heavily o? the ecliptic, much less in cases of near-pole objects, and could
reject true tracks at an increasing rate as it sees objects further from ecliptic.
To deal with the acceleration pruning near poles, it may be wise to modify the core piece
of code to rotate pairs of nodes to near the origin at each pruning check; however, this may
be too computationally costly to insert into the \hot spot" of the program. Another solution
would be to abandon celestial coordinates and instead use full (x,y,z) Cartesian coordinates
on a unit sphere. This will require new math be used for calculating acceleration and pruning,
as well as for tree construction. It is unclear how performance will be a?ected by the change.
Additional evaluation is needed before it becomes clear whether changes to the higher-
order ?tting code and chi squared probability ?lter will be needed due to these geometry
6.7. Dense and Clustered Noise
The rate of false tracklet generation increases worse-than-linearly with the density of
detections. Issues with image processing can lead to dense clusters of false detections packed
in a small area, which can in turn lead to very large growth in the number of false tracklets.
Additional experimentation will be needed to determine how severe this problem could
be. If it becomes an issue, it may be necessary to identify regions with unusually high rates
of (potentially) false detections and simply remove all detections from this region before
the data is fed to MOPS. It's worth noting that PanSTARRS is implementing a technique
similar to this to deal with high densities of detections.
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A. A Little History of Discovering Moving Objects
Contributed by Je? Larsen
To provide a bit of background, the task of discovering unknown asteroids has a very
lengthy history, involving human, electronic, and computerized actors.
From the beginning the primary detectable feature of an asteroid is it's motion across the
sky as time progresses { which makes the underlying orbital parameters of critical relevance
to the continued tracking of the object. The ?rst asteroid, Ceres, was visually detected by
Piazzi (Bode 1802) through its motions against the background star as he attempted to verify
the position of a star in a published catalog. Without knowing how orbits were goverened,
Piazzi's initial tracking e?ort involved constant repeated night-to-night observations which
he was only able to maintain for a limited time due to his health and the motion of the
asteroid into the daytime sky. It fell to Carl Friedrich Gauss to develop his method of orbit
determination before Ceres could be recovered again thus ?rmly establishing the mathematics
of orbits as a required prerequisite.
Optical observations had their limitations, however, and the archival record created by
the application of photography to observations was of critical importance to scienti?c de-
mands of repeatability. The ?rst photographic discovery of an asteroid, (323) Brucia, was by
Max Wolf in 1891 (Wolf 1892) as he recognized the non-sidereal rate trails on his photographs
for the asteroids they were. Wolf became a proli?c discoverer of asteroids (almost 250 total)
through photography and as such developed the standard detection technique used for the
next century.
Photographic sensitivity is determined to a large part through exposure time and as-
teroid motion to ?rst order is a function of its distance so two main types of photographic
survey methodology were used. Surveys looking for closeby and fast near-Earth asteroids
(like those of Shoemaker & Shoemaker (1988)) used non-sidereal trailed motions and gener-
ally shorter exposure times. A discovered trail of any length in the and image developed in
an observatory darkroom would lead to additional exposures of the asteroid being quickly
acquired and the data required to secure the orbit. The second technique, useful for very
slow moving asteroids that did not appear as a trailed images was to take several exposures
and then manually alternate between them rapidly, thus depending on the well-developed
human motion sense to discover the moving asteroids. Machines were built for this purpose,
such as the blink comparator. Besides its use for stellar proper motions, this technique's
most well known success was in the discovery of Pluto by Tombaugh (Tombaugh 1960). The
blink comparator was useful for scienti?c studies of asteroids in the main asteroid belt such
as the seminal Palomar-Leiden survey (van Houten et al. 1970). Keeping the exposure times
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short was important to keep the asteroid images starlike so their isophotal diameter could
be used inaccurate brightness calibration. This allowed for the rapid discovery of asteroids
for the time: 2400 discoveries in 11 nights of observation.
The advent of the CCD was applied to asteroids early, with the long readout times (and
consequential 50% duty cycle) minimized through the process of drift scannings. Gehrels
and the Spacewatch Project (Gehrels et al. 1990) pioneered the use of CCD's in the detection
of asteroids, making the ?rst CCD detection of the near-Earth asteroid 1989 UP and the
?rst discovery as well (1990 SS). Spacewatch went on to built an advanced real time asteroid
motion detection program, MODP (Rabinowitz 1991). Drift scanning was made unnecessary
by the advent of large format cameras used in a step-and-stare mode such as that of the
NEAT project (Pravdo et al. 1999). With the introduction of custom frame-transfer CCD's
and high-capacity computer processing, the LINEAR project (Stokes et al. 2000) and the
Catalina Sky Survey (Larson 2007) were able to progress handily towards the Spaceguard
As with photography, there are multiple techniques which can be applied to CCD images
to discover their asteroids. Most asteroid detection software uses a "moving target indicator"
approach in that CCD images are searched automatically for their objects who are then
compiled as a detection list. By ?ltering out objects which did not move and searching for
asteroid-like motions in the unmatched lists, motion candidates are created. However, a
more exotic approach called Matched Filter Processing (Gural et al. 2005) can be applied
that has several advantages. Images are coadded rapidly along hypothesized motion vectors.
If the ?ux of an object appears to grow after coaddition, it becomes a candidate moving
object with the motion vector already determined. Any technique to search for moving
objects below the single-image limiting magnitude becomes computationally expensive with
a large number of possible motion vectors, but has the advantage of being able to detect
fainter objects in the same set of images compared to the moving target indicator approach.
Variants on these techniques have been used successfully in searches for distant objects such
as those in the Kuiper Belt (Gladman et al. 1998; Chiang and Brown 1999) and has been
used to do NEA searches over large portions of the sky where the asteroid is uncertain but
has a relatively small range of possible velocities (Gural et al. 2005).
The advent of large-format all sky surveys have radically changed the detection require-
ments both in terms of techniques for imagery and software, eventually leading to the PS
and LSST MOPS software.
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B. About the KD-Tree Library
The ?ndTracklets, collapseTracklets, and linkTracklets algorithms used in DayMOPS
all require the use of KD-Trees for di?erent types of data. FindTracklets needs an (RA, Dec)
tree of detections, collapseTracklets needs an (RA, Dec, velocity, angle) tree of tracklets,
and linkTracklets needs a specialized (RA, Dec, RA vel, Dec vel) tree of tracklets. Other
\helper" tools not described in this document have been constructed using trees over various
types of data (such as collections of orbits).
To suit the needs of our various algorithms, and to prepare for the possibility of new
algorithms, we have created our own KD-Tree library. The design is intended to ful?ll the
following needs:
? Hold spatial points in arbitrary-dimensional space, with each point mapped to an
arbitrary piece of non-spatial data
? Deal with spatial axes which hold real-number values
? Deal with spatial axes which hold degree or radian values on a circle
? Deal with pairs of axes which may describe points on a sphere
? Allow range searching in circular, spherical or ?at Euclidean space
The KDTree class we have created suits all of these needs. These features are su?cient
for almost all our algorithms. However, linkTracklets uses trees in unusual ways and its
performance is closely related to the characteristics of the tree it uses; in order to allow
linkTracklets' special needs, we also created a class called TrackletTree used only for link-
Tracklets. Both KDTree and TrackletTree derive from a common base class BaseKDTree
which implements memory management and other common features.
B.1. Representing Data Items: PointAndValue Class
Most DayMOPS algorithms deal with identifying groups of data items based on their
spatial location in some coordinate system. To represent a data item and its spatial location,
we have created a template class called PointAndValue . A PointAndValue holds a point in
an arbitrary-dimensional coordinate system, represented as a std::vector of double values.
The coordinate system may be arbitrary-dimensional, and may also be heterogenous; that
is, some axes may be Euclidean (having arbitrary values) but others may be circular, or two
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axes may describe a sphere. The \value" may be anything - this is a templatized data type.
In our code, it usually holds an integer, representing the location of a detection or tracklet in
an array. Using a PointAndValue instance, one can represent any data object (the \value"
of arbitrary type) and a location of that data object.
B.2. Tree Construction and Searching
KDTree instances are constructed from a std::vector of PointAndValue instances. The
k value (the dimensionality of the tree) must be speci?ed at construction-time. Each \point"
vector used to build the tree must have at least k elements, though the software will allow
\points" with > k elements, in which case only the ?rst k are used.
When providing the data for points used in tree construction, it is up to the user to
ensure that any value intended to represent a measurement in degrees must fall along [0; 360).
Failure to do so will lead to an exception later.
If you wish to treat your spatial points as all Euclidean, it is possible to perform a
conventional range search, which searches for all points in the tree within a given distance of
a query point using KDTree::rangeSearch . However, if your axes use di?ering units, or one
or more describe points on a circle, range search will not be suitable, as it does not handle
wrap-around in degree units. This type of searching is provided by the library, but is not
used within DayMOPS.
In order to deal with data points which may not be in a Euclidean space, the library sup-
ports rectangular (or hyper-rectangular) searches on mixtures of Euclidean and/or circular
axes. A query point is provided in each axis, and a query range around that point; any point
which is within the query range of the query point in each axis is returned. This is suitable
when searching, for example, for motion vectors, which have a velocity and angle of motion;
specify a range of velocities, and a range of angles, and the tree library will ?nd motion
vectors which fall within the given range. Wraparound will be handled intelligently (that
is, the code will recognize that .1 and 359.9 degrees are separated by .2 degrees, not 359.7.)
To use this type of searching, use the KDTree::hyperRectangleSearch method. Note that
it will be necessary to inform the tree of which axes are Euclidean, and which are circular.
Currently, the only supported units for circular coordinates are degrees, and degree mea-
sures must fall along [0; 360). This is the type of searching used in the collapseTracklets
implementation, which searches for similar points in (RA, Dec, velocity and motion angle).
Unfortunately, this type of searching considers each axis independently, which can be prob-
lematic when dealing with a pair of axes which describe points on a sphere, where polar
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distortions may occur.
To deal with coordinates on a sphere and intelligently account for both wraparound and
polar distortion, the library provides the function KDTree::RADecRangeSearch . This func-
tion performs a range search on the surface of a sphere; it also allows rectangular searching
of other axes if needed. The types of the axes should be speci?ed at searching time as in
KDTree::hyperRectangleSearch , if any. This is the search function used by ?ndTracklets,
which represents points as simple RA, Dec coordinates. It would probably be wise to change
collapseTracklets to use this function as well, though this has not yet been done.
B.3. TrackletTree
The linkTracklets algorithm uses KD-Trees in an unusual fashion, and is highly sensitive
to their construction. It also requires the spatial regions held by each tree node to be extended
to account for error bars on the tracklets. For these reasons, linkTracklets does not use the
normal KDTree class used by other algorithms, but a sibling class called TrackletTree .
These classes share the common ancestor BaseKDTree , which handles memory management,
but otherwise they share relatively little. TrackletTree calculates the extents of the nodes
di?erently than KDTree , and it implements no range searching.
KDTree and TrackletTree hold references to the head of the actual tree nodes, imple-
mented by KDTreeNode and TrackletTreeNode . In KDTree these child nodes are not visible
to the user; all communication is done with the KDTree , which in turn communicates with
the KDTreeNode s. This allows easier memory management, as an outside tool cannot hold
a reference to a dynamically-allocated child. However, in linkTracklets these children must
be visible to linkTracklets, as it explicitly traverses the tree.
TrackletTreeNode also has a few methods for studying performance:
TrackletTreeNode::addVisit and TrackletTreeNode::getNumVisits can be used to count
the number of times a node is examined by linkTracklets. Eventually, it may be wise to re-
move these in order to conserve memory.
B.4. BaseKDTree and Memory Management
KDTree and TrackletTree represent a whole tree, not the individual nodes which
make up the tree. KDTree then provides an interface to the querying of the tree, while
TrackletTree provides accessors allowing an outside class to see the actual tree nodes.
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Both classes derive from BaseKDTree which handles the mundane work of a C++ class:
construction, copying, and detruction, etc. BaseKDTree handles copying of a tree by incre-
menting a refcount on the child nodes; once those nodes hit a refcount of zero, then the nodes
are deleted. This approach works well, provided no outside class holds on to references to a
tree's nodes after destroying the tree itself.
B.5. Needed Improvements
The KD-Tree nodes at present use quite a bit of memory because they use std::vector
where a set of pointers or C-style array would probably be better-suited. This is particularly
noteworthy in the case of TrackletTreeNode , since trees given to linkTracklets can be very
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